The AHA 2020 conference will be organized online (through ZOOM) between June 22-24, 2020. We are waiting for registrations!
There is no fee registration for AHA Conference 2020.
General Information
The 14-AHA Conference-Algebraic Hyperstructures and their Applications, organized by the International Algebraic Hyperstructures Association will take place from 22nd June to the 27 th June 2020 in Iasi, Romania. The series of International Conferences on Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications (AHA) aims at bringing together researchers and academics for the presentation and discussion of novel theories and applications of Algebraic. The conference covers a broad spectrum of topics related to Algebraic Hyperstructures including.
Important dates
Extended abstract submission deadline: June, 1st, 2020
Notification of abstract/paper acceptance: June, 2020
Early registration deadline: May 21 st, 2020
Conference dates: June 22-24, 2020
Research areas
- Classical hyperstructures: Hypergroupoids, Semi-hypergroups, Hypergroups, Canonical Hypergroups, Complete Semihyper-groups and Hypergroups, Regular Hypergroups, Hyperrings, Hyperfields, Hyperspaces, Hypervector Spaces, Hyperalgebras, Hyperlattices, Hv-structures, Hv-groups-rings-modules, Hv-vector spaces, Hv-Lie algebras, Hv-matrices, Hyperstructures associated with binary or n-ary relations, Non-associative Hyperstructures, Feebly associative Hyperstructures, Join spaces, Hyperstructures associated to geometric spaces, Γ-structures and Γ-hyperstructures, n-ary hyperstructures, Ordered Hyperstructures, t-Groupoids, Partial Semihypergroups, Homomorphism Theory in Hyperstructures, Topological hypergroups, Topological hyperspaces, rmatrics representations
- hyperstructures and fuzzy sets, rough sets, soft sets: Fuzzy algebraic Hyperstructures, Fuzzy sets and Hyperstructures, Fuzzy BCK-Algebras, Soft sets and Hyperstructures, Rough sets and Hyperstructures, Fuzzy/rough/soft subhyperstructures, Intiuitionistic sets /Intiuitionistic fuzzy sets and hyperstructures, Vague sets and hyperstructures, Neutrosophic sets and hyperstructures
- Applications to other Sciences and Engineering: Cryptography, Codes, Assembly Line Design, Graph and Hypergraph theory, Formal Languages, Automata, Artificial Intelligence, Probabilities, Economics and Mathematical finance, Geometry, Group Theory, Lattices, Rough Sets, Median Algebras, Number theory, Differential equations, Chemistry, Decision Making, Biology, Biomathematics, Linguistics, Hadronic Mechanics
Preliminary list with Invited speakers
- Prof. Piergiulio Corsini, Udine University, Italy
- Prof. Bijan Davvaz, Yazd University, Iran
- Prof. Thomas Vougiouklis, University of Thrace, Greece
- Prof. M.M. Zahedi, Tehran University, Iran
- Prof. Reza Ameri, Babolsar University, Iran
- Prof. Bayram Ersoy, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey
- Prof. Sarka Mayerova, Defence University of Brno, Czech Republic
- Associated Prof. Irina Cristea, University of Nova Govarica, Slovenia
Organizing Committee
- Prof. Violeta Leoreanu-Fotea, Al.I.Cuza University of Iasi
- Drd. Andromeda Sonea, Al.I. Cuza University of Iasi
- Associated Prof. Mihai Gontineac, Al.I. Cuza University of Iasi
Conference fee
There is no fee registration for AHA Conference 2020.
The participants at the conference are kindly asked to contact one of the
following hotels situated in the proximity of the university.
A limited number of rooms will be available at:
- Gaudeamus Hotel
- Akademos Hotel
*The room price in University Hotels (Gaudeamus or Akademos) is about 30 EUR per night for a single room and, respectively, about 50 EUR per
night for a double room. Breakfast is included in the room rate.
Previous AHA Events
- 1978,held inTaormina, Italy (November 25-28) Organized by P.Corsini
- 1983,held inTaormina, Italy (October 21-24) Organized by P.Corsini
- 1985,held in Udine, Italy (October,15-18) Organized by P.Corsini
- 1990,held in Xanthi, Greece (June 27-30) Organized by T.Vougiouklis
- 1993,held in Iasi, Romania (July 4-10) Organized by M.Stefanescu
- 1996,held in Prague, Czech Republic (September 1-7)Organized by T.Kepca
- 1999,held in Taormina, Italy (June 13-19) Organized by R. Migliorato
- 2002,held in Samothrace, Greece (September 1-9) Organized by T. Vougiouklis
- 2005,held in Babolsar, Iran (September 1-7) Organized by R. Ameri
- 2008,held in Brno, SouthMoravia, Czech Republic
(September 3-9) Organized by S.Hoskova
- 2011,held in Pescara, Italy (October, 16-21) Organized by A. Maturo
- 2014,held in Xanthi, Greece (September, 2-7) Organized by S.Spartalis
- 2017, held in Istanbul, Turkey, (July, 24-27) Organized by B. Ersoy