General Information View and download: First Announcement, Programme and abstract book. June 30, 11:00 - PHOTO SESSION, in front of the University June 26, 09:00 - Opening, Aula Magna "Mihai Eminescu" June 25, 14:00 - Registration, room II.4 June 26, 08:00 - Registration, room 2.1 This meeting is intended to continue an old tradition of holding congresses of Romanian mathematicians and it is largely open to international participation. Seven such congresses were organized in Cluj (1929), Turnu Severin (1932), Bucharest (1945, 1956, and 2007), Pitesti (2003), and Brasov (2011). The Eighth Congress will be held in Iasi from June 26 to July 1, 2015, and will be organized by the Section of Mathematical Sciences of the Romanian Academy, the Romanian Mathematical Society, the Simion Stoilow Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, the Faculty of Mathematics of "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Bucharest, and the "Octav Mayer" Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Iasi. A selection of the proceedings of the congress will be published. Organizers
Call for Special Sessions We invite proposals for special sessions, up to ten talks, included in one of the above sections. The proposal should contain the following information:
The deadline for the proposal submission is December 1st, 2014. Please, send the proposal to the e-mail address indicated below, with the subject: Special Session Proposal. Programme schedule
Preliminary registration Please send us an e-mail message containing the following information: name, affiliation, section of congres, intention to give a talk. The Congress is organized with support from
E-mail address:
congmatro@imar.ro Postal address:
The Eighth Congress of Romanian Mathematicians |