BSc Studies


The Faculty of Mathematics offers, within the BSc in Mathematics Program, two main specializations: Mathematics and Mathematics and Computer Science. The first-year students may opt for one of these specializations at the end of the second semester. Moreover, at the end of the second semester, the students have the opportunity, offered by the implementation of the Bologna Program at the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, to opt for a complementary specialization in any BSc Program available at the faculties of the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University.

1. Ghid studii click here for download
2. Admiterea în învăţământul superior pentru candidaţii de etnie rromă click here for download
3. Metodologie-privind organizarea şi desfăşurarea admiterii în ciclul de studii universitare de licenţă pentru anul universitar 2008- 2009 click here for download
4. Tematica examenului de Licenţă Secţia Matematică click here for download
5. Tematica examenului de Licenţă Secţia Matematică-Informatică click here for download
6. Fişa disciplinei-TEHNICA CERCETĂRII ŞTIINŢIFICE click here for download
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