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2013, f. 1, tomul LIX
- Nicolaescu Liviu I.: Fluctuations of the number of critical points of random trigonometric polynomials, p. 1
- Pop I.: New categorical approaches to movability in shape theory, p. 25
- Bejancu Aurel, Farran Hani Reda.: Curvature of CR manifolds, p. 43
- Blaga Adara M., Crâşmăreanu Mircea: The geometry of product conjugate connections, p. 73
- Anvariyeh S.M., Davvaz B.: Strongly transitive geometric spaces associated with (m; n)-ary hypermodules, p. 85
- Precupanu T.: Duality mapping and Birkhoff orthogonality, p. 103
- Precupanu Ana, Gavriluţ Alina: Set-valued Lebesgue and Riesz type theorems, p. 113
- Gavriluţ Alina Cristiana: Abstract regular null-null-additive set multifunctions in Hausdorff topology, p. 129
- Lixandru Ion: Algorithm for the calculation of the two variables cubic spline function, p. 149
- Mecheri Salah: On quasi-class A operators, p. 163
- Ekici Erdal: On \(A^\prime_j-\)sets, \(C_j-\)sets, \(C^\prime_j-\)sets and decompositions of continuity in ideal topological spaces, p. 173
- Özgen H.N.: A note on generalized absolute summability, p 185
- Dodea Smaranda C.: Stabilizing a reaction-diffusion system via feedback control, p. 191
- Mao Hua: On lattice-theoretical construction of matroids, p. 201
- Hila Kostaq, Pisha Edmond: On lattice-ordered Rees matrix \(\Gamma-\)semigroups, p. 209