2014, f. 2, tomul LX
- Alexandru Andrei, Ciobanu Gabriel: A topological approach in the extended Fraenkel-Mostowski model of set theory, p. 261
- Zhan Jianming, Davvaz B.: (Fuzzy) Isomorphism theorems of soft \(\Gamma-\) hyperrings, p. 279
- Chen Yanchang: Small covers over the product of 3-sided prism with n-simplex, p. 293
- Li Changwen, Yi Xiaolan: Finite groups with some primary subgroups weakly τ-quasinormal, p. 309
- Imbesi Maurizio, La Barbiera Monica: Monomial ideals of graphs with loops, p. 321
- Văideanu Cristian: Lower and upper concept lattices, p. 337
- Şengül Uğur: Weakly (τq;m)-continuous functions, p. 353
- Talpău Dimitriu Maria: Estimates with optimal constants using weighted K-functionals on simplex, p. 375
- Rajesh N., Sudha P.: The \(\omega^*-\) open open topology for function spaces, p. 389
- Muhammad Ali: On differential subordination, superordination and sandwich theorems of symmetric analytic functions, p. 397
- Goel Asha, Singh Satbir: Characterizations of functions with closed graph, p. 411
- Xiong Wei-Ling, Zhang Yi, Lin Wei-Chuan: Uniqueness of entire functions sharing one set, p. 421
- Çolak R., Altin Y., Et M.: \(\Lambda\)-almost statistical convergence of order \(\alpha\), p. 437
- Cătinaş Teodora, Blaga Petru, Coman Gheorghe: Interpolation operators on some triangles with curved sides, p. 449
- Kahraman Aksoyak Ferdağ, Gök İsmail, İlarslan Kazim: Generalized null Bertrand curves in Minkowski space-time, p. 489
- Maticiuc Lucian, Răşcanu Aurel, Zălinescu Adrian: Backward stochastic variational inequalities with locally bounded generators, p. 503