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2007, supplement, tomul LIII
- Preface, p. 1
- Academician Radu Miron at Eighty (M. Anastasiei), p. 3
- Miron, R.; Niminet, V.: Geometrical model of a Finslerian nonholonomic mechanical system, p. 11
- Albu, I.D.; Neamtu, M.; Opris, D.: The geometry of fractional osculator bundle of higher order and applications, p. 21
- Anastasiei, M.: A generalization of Myers theorem, p. 33
- Aron, A.; Casu, I.; Chis, O.; Hogea, C.: Lax formulation and Kahan’s integrator for some classical dynamical systems, p. 41
- Aron, A.; Pop, C.; Puta, M.: Some remarks on \((sl(2,R))*\) and Kahan’s integrator, p. 49
- Balan, V.: Constant mean curvature submanifolds in \((\alpha,\beta)\)−Finsler spaces, p. 61
- Bejan, C.L.: Characterizations of quasi-Einstein manifolds, p. 67
- Blanuta, V.; Niminet, V.: Natural 2-\(\pi\) structures in Lagrange spaces, p. 73
- Boleantu, M.; Opris, D.: Fractional dynamical systems on fractional jet bundle and applications, p. 87
- Burdujan, I.: Manifolds endowed with several complex structures, p. 99
- Craioveanu, M.; Lalescu, V.D.; Petrisor, C.I.: Spectral properties of a class of Hodge-De Rham like operators, p. 107
- Deszcz, R.; Prvanovic, M.: Holomorphic hypersurfaces of a holomorphically conformally flat anti-Kahler manifold, p. 123
- Frigioiu, C.: On the geometrization of the rheonomic Finslerian mechanical systems, p. 145
- Girtu, M.: A framed \(f(3,1)\)−structure on tangent manifolds, p. 157
- Gheorghe, M.: The indicatrix in Finsler geometry, p. 163
- Haesen, S.; Verstraelen, L.: On the sectional curvature of Deszcz, p. 181
- Hall, G.: Some remarks of the foundations of classical dynamics and special relativity, p. 191
- Hretcanu, C.-E.; Crasmareanu, M.: On some invariant submanifolds in a Riemannian manifold with golden structure, p. 199
- Ida, C.: V and H cohomology of complex Finsler bundles, p. 213
- Ivan, G.; Ivan, M.; Opris, D.: Fractional dynamical systems on fractional Leibniz algebroids, p. 223
- Matsumoto, K.; Bonanzinga, V.: Doubly warped product CR-submanifolds in a locally conformal Kaehler space form II, p. 235
- Munteanu, F.: About symmetries and conservation laws in Lagrangian and Hamiltonian k-symplectic formalism, p. 249
- Munteanu, G.; Aldea, N.: Miron frames on a complex Finsler manifold, p. 269
- Niminet, V.; Blanuta, V.: On the geometrization of the nonholonomic mechanical system, p. 281
- Obadeanu, V.; Ciobanu, M.: Geometrical objects and structures associated to some dynamical systems, p. 287
- Popescu, L.: Aspects of Lie algebroid geometry and Hamiltonian formalism, p. 297
- Senturk, Z.: Characterisation of the Deszcz symmetric ideal Wintgen submanifolds, p. 309
- Stavre, P.: Miron-Norden models of Lagrange type, p. 317
- Vacaru, S.I.: Generalized Lagrange transforms: Finsler geometry methods and deformation quantization of gravity, p. 327
- Yajima, T.; Nagahama, H.: Physical fields, soliton systems and Kawaguchi space, p. 343