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1998, f. 2, tomul XLIV
- Luca, N.: Professor dr. C. Corduneanu on his 70-th anniversary, p. 223
- Aizicovici, S.; Pavel, N.H.; Vrabie, I.I.: Anti-periodic solutions to strongly nonlinear evolution equations in Hilbert spaces, p. 227
- Thomson, G.R.; Constanda, C.: Area potentials for thin plates, p. 235
- Iliescu, T.; Layton, W.J.: Approximating the larger eddies in fluid motion III: the Boussinesq model for turbulent fluctuations, p. 245
- Lakshmikantham, V.; Vatsala, A.S.: Monotone flows and mixed monotone reaction diffusion systems, p. 263
- Hamaya, Y.: Asymptotic behavior in Volterra partial integrodifference equation, p. 271
- Turinici, M.: Set-constrained almost extremality via nonsmooth implicit functions, p. 279
- Olusola Akinyele: On the monotone iterative technique for the second order nonlinear Volterra type boundary value problem, p. 309
- Titi Obilade: A queueing distribution for heterogeneous populations – a technical note, p. 319
- Verma, Ram U.: An existence theorem on nonlinear variational inequalities, p. 331
- Popa, E.; Popa, L.: Morphisms for semi-dynamical systems, 335
- Țârdea, G.: Formulation en divergence covariante pour le modèle de Naghdi, 351
- Țârdea, G.: Formulation augumentée pour la dualisation du cisaillement transverse dans le modèle de Naghdi, 363
- Mitric, G.: Connections and regularity on tangent bundle, 373
- Góźdź, S.; Miernowski, A.; Mozgawa, W.: Sine theorem for rosettes, 385
- Croitoru, A.: A Radon – Nikodym theorem for multimeasures, 395
- Turo, J.: Classical solutions to nonlinear hyperbolic functional partial differential equations, 403
- Mohorianu, C.: Equivariant strong shape (I), 419
- Book Reviews, p. 433