A. Books and Monographs
- Theory of Thermoelasticity, (in Romanian), Academy Publ. House, Bucharest, 1979, 275 pp.
- Saint-Venant′s Problem, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin,1987, 162 pp.
- Prestressed Bodies, Longman Scientific and Technical, Harlow, Essex, UK and John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1989, 280 pp.
- Non-Classical Elastic Solids, (with M. Ciarletta), Longman Scientific and Technical, Harlow, Essex, UK and John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1993, 346 pp.
- Thermoelastic Deformations, (with A. Scalia), Kluwer Acad. Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 1996, 310 pp.
- Elementi di Meccanica dei Continui con Applicazioni, (with M. Ciarletta), Pitagora Editrice, Bologna, 1997, 497 pp.
- Thermoelastic Models of Continua, Kluwer Acad. Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 2004, 302 pp.
- Classical and Generalized Models of Elastic Rods, Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, London, New York, Boca Raton, 2009, 372 pp.
- Some fundamental problems of the theory of Cosserat elasticity, (in Romanian), in: Probleme actuale ın mecanica solidelor, vol. 1, Editura Academiei, Bucuresti, 1975, 120 pp.
- Saint-Venant′s Problem in Micropolar Elasticity, in: Mechanics of Micropolar Media, (Eds. O. Brulin and R.K.T. Hsieh), World Scientific, Singapore, 1982, 114 pp.
- Thermoelasticity, in: Continuum Mechanics, vol. II, (Eds. J. Merodio and G. Saccomandi), Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, 2012, pp.142- 269.
- Mecanica mediilor continue, Universitatea "Al.I. Cuza", Iaşi, Centrul de multiplicare, Iasi, 1973, 300 pp.
- Mecanica generalizată a solidelor, Universitatea "Al.I. Cuza", Centrul de multiplicare, Iasi,, 1980, 404 pp.
- Mecanica-Medii elastice, Editura Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza", Iaşi, 2004, 253 pp.
- Asupra tensiunilor termice în corpuri ortotrope în cazul deformării plane, An. Şt. Univ. Iaşi, Matematică, 11(1965), 169-174.
- Tensiuni termice într-un cilindru circular armat cu o tijă longitudinală din alt material, An. Şt. Univ. Iasi, Matematică, 11(1965), 347-356.
- Tensiuni termice în corpuri anizotrope în cazul problemelor plane, An. Şt. Univ. Iaşi, Matematică, 12(1966), 206-212.
- Principes variationnels dans la théorie de la thermoélasticité couplée, An. Şt. Univ. Iasi, Matematică, 12(1966), 439-456.
- Asupra teoriei termoelasticităţii neliniare, An. Şt. Univ. Iaşi, Matematică, 13(1967), 162-175.
- Sur la théorie de la thermoélasticité micropolaire couplée, C.R.Acad. Sc. Paris, 256 A(1967), 271-275.
- Tensiuni termice în bare ortotrope, An. Şt. Univ. Iaşi, Matematică, 13(1967), 451-461.
- Tensions thermiques dans des barres élastiques non-homogénes, An. Şt. Univ. Iaşi, Matematică, 14(1968), 177-203.
- Tensions thermiques dans des barres élastiques anisotropes, An. Şt. Univ. Iaşi, Matematică, 14(1968), 423-441.
- On the plane coupled micropolar thermoelasticity I, II, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Sér. IV, 16 (1968), I: 379-384; II: 385-390.
- Sur la théorie de la thermoviscoélasticité couplée, C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, 268(A) (1969), 58-61.
- Asupra deformării plane generalizate, Studii si cerc. matemat., 21(1969), 595-609.
- On the thermoelastic finite plane strain, An. Şt. Univ. Iaşi, Matematică, 15(1969), 195-207.
- On the linear theory of micropolar elasticity, Int. J. Eng. Sci., 7(1969), 1213-1220.
- Deformarea plană termoelastică a mediilor neomogene izotrope, An. Şt. Univ. Iaşi, Matematică, 15(1969), 463-470.
- On the linear coupled thermoelasticity with two temperatures, Zeits. Angew. Math. Phys., 21(1970), 583-591.
- On some theorems in the linear theory of micropolar thermoelasticity, Revue Roum. Math. Pures et Appl., 15 (1970), 1181-1195.
- Sur la théorie de la viscoélasticité micropolaire, C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, 270 A(1970), 140-143.
- Thermal stresses in the generalized plane strain of anisotropic elastic solids, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Sér.IV, 18(1970), 227-230.
- On the plane strain of anisotropic solids in the theory of coupled thermoelasticity, An. Şt. Univ. Iaşi, Matematică, 16(1970), 137-148.
- Asupra tensiunilor termice în corpuri transversal izotrope, An. Şt. Univ. Iaşi, Matematică, 16(1970), 149-166.
- Existence theorems in the theory of micropolar elasticity, Int. J. Eng. Sci., 8(1970), 777-791.
- On the theory of coupled thermoviscoelasticity, An. Şt. Univ. Iaşi, Matematică, 16(1970), 431-441.
- On thermal stresses in plane strain of isotropic micropolar elastic solids, Acta Mechanica, 11 (1971), 141-144.
- Some theorems in the linear theory of coupled micropolar thermoviscoelasticity, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Sér.IV, 19(1971), 121-130.
- Bending of micropolar elastic beams by terminal couples, An. Şt. Univ. Iaşi, Matematică, 17(1971), 483-490.
- Existence theorems in micropolar elastostatics, Int. J. Engng. Sci., 9 (1971), 59-78.
- Torsion of micropolar elastic beams, Int. J. Engng. Sci., 9 (1971), 1047-1060.
- On Saint-Venant's problem in micropolar elasticity, Int. J. Eng. Sci., 9(1971), 879-888.
- Zginanie mikropolarnej belki wsporikowej obcia?zonej momentami, Rozprawy In?zyn., 19(1971), 371-378.
- On the reciprocity theorem in the linear elastodynamics, An. Şt. Univ. Iaşi, Matematică, 18(1972), 193-196.
- Flexure of micropolar elastic beams, Revue Roum. Math. Pures et Appl., 17(1972), 709-720.
- On Almansi's problem for elastic cylinders, Atti Accad. Sci. Ist. Bologna, Rendiconti, 9(1972), 128-139.
- On the thermal stresses in beams, J. Eng. Math., 6 (1972), 155-163.
- The plane micropolar strain of ortotropic elastic solids, Archives of Mechanics, 25(1973), 547-561.
- Almansi's problem in micropolar elasticity, Int. J. Eng. Sci., 12(1974), 361-374.
- On the positive definiteness of the operator of the micropolar elasticity, J. Eng. Math., 8(1974), 107-112.
- On some reciprocity theorems and variational theorems in linear dynamic theories of continuum mechanics, Memorie dell'Accad. Sci. Torino, Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Nat., Serie 4, n.17, 1974.
- On the second boundary value problem in the linear theory of micropolar elasticity, Atti Accad.Naz.Lincei, Rendiconti, Cl. Sc. fis. mat., 55(1974), 456-459.
- Bending of orthotropic micropolar elastic beams by terminal couples, An. Şt. Univ. Iaşi, Matematică, 20(1974), 411-418.
- On reciprocity theorems and variational theorems in linear elastodynamics, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Ser. Sci. Techn., 22(1974), 273-281.
- Torsion of anisotropic micropolar elastic cylinders, ZAMM, 54(1974), 773-779.
- Thermal stresses in micropolar elastic cylinders, Acta Mechanica, 21 (1975), 261- 272.
- Saint-Venant's problem for inhomogeneous and anisotropic solids, J. Eng. Math., 9(1975), 281-290.
- Thermal stresses in inhomogeneous elastic cilinders, Mech. Res. Comm., 2(1975), 125-129.
- Saint-Venant's problem for inhomogeneous bodies, Int. J. Eng. Sci., 14(1976), 353-360.
- Saint-Venant's problem for heterogeneous anisotropic elastic solids. Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (IV), 108 (1976), 149-159.
- Saint-Venant's problem for inhomogeneous and anisotropic elastic bodies. J. Elas- ticity, 6 (1976), 277-294.
- Saint-Venant's problem for heterogeneous elastic solids, Rozpr. Inzyn., 24(1976).
- Reciprocal theorems and variational theorems in nonlocal elastodynamics, Int. J. Engng. Sci., 15(1977), 693-699.
- Saint-Venant's problem for inhomogeneous and anisotropic elastic solids with microstructure, Archives of Mechanics, 29(1977), 419-430.
- 52. Saint-Venant's problem for inhomogeneous and anisotropic Cosserat elastic solids, ZAMM, 58 (1978), 95-99.
- Thermal stresses in composite Cosserat elastic cylinders, J. Thermal Stresses, 1 (1978), 149-162.
- Deformation of composed Cosserat elastic cylinders. Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn. Mec. Appl., 23 (1978), 823-845.
- On the changes in the Erath?s inertia tensor due to earthquake faulting, An. Şt. Univ. Iaşi, 25(1979), Supliment, 53-61.
- Thermal stresses in composite cylinders, J. Thermal Stresses, 3(1980), 495-508.
- Incremental equations in thermoelsticity. J. Thermal Stresses, 3 (1980), 41-56.
- Torsion problem in the theory of non-simple elastic materials, An. Şt. Univ. Iaşi, Matematică, 27(1981), Supliment, 167-172.
- Thermoelastic stresses in initially stressed bodies with microstructure, J. Thermal Stresses, 4(1981), 387-406.
- Some applications of micropolar mechanics to earthquake problems, Int. J. Engng. Sci., 19(1981), 855-864.
- On the first strain-gradient theory of elastodynamics, An. Şt. Univ. Iaşi, Matematic ă, 28(1982), Supliment, 77-85.
- Some theorems in a grade consistent micropolar theory of elasticity, ZAMM, 62(1982), 35-41.
- Torsion problem for non-simple Cosserat elastic materials, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Sér.sci.techn., 30(1982), 111-119.
- Thermoelasticity of nonsimple materials, J. Thermal Stresses, 5(1983), 151-172.
- On the energy release rate in thermoelastodynamics crack propagation, An. Şt. Univ. Iaşi, s.I-a Matematică, 30(1984), 1, 91-96.
- On the crack propagation in micropolar elastic solids, Int. J. Engng. Sci., 22(1984), 547-555.
- The grade consistent theory of micropolar thermoelasticity, Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn., Ser. Mec. Appl., 30(1985), 3-19.
- Some theorems in the theory of elastic materials with voids. J. Elasticity, 15 (1985), 215-224.
- Shock waves in micropolar elastic materials with voids, An. Şt. Univ. Iaşi, s.I-a Matematică, 31(1985), 177-186.
- Thermal stresses in heterogeneous anisotropic Cosserat elastic cylinders, J. Thermal Stresses, 8 (1985), 385-397.
- A theory of thermoelastic materials with voids, Acta Mechanica, 60(1986), 67-89.
- On generalized Saint-Venant's problems, Int. J. Engng. Sci., 24(1986), 849-858.
- On Saint-Venant's problem, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal., 91(1986), 363-373.
- On the solution of a problem of Truesdell's, An. Şt. Univ. Iaşi, s.I-a Matematică, 32(1986), 95-103.
- Generalized twist for the torsion of micropolar cylinders, Meccanica, 21(1986), 94-96.
- On the theory of uniformly loaded cylinders, J.Elasticity, 16(1986), 375-382.
- A theory of initially stressed thermoelastic materials with voids, An. Şt. Univ. Iaşi, s. I-a Matematica, 33 (1987), 167-184.
- Continuous dependence and uniqueness results in nonlinear theory of elastic materials with voids, Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn. Méc. Appl., 32(1987), 351-363.
- Plane strain problems in piezoelectricity, Int. J. Engng. Sci., 25(1987), 1511-1523.
- Initially stressed thermoelastic dielectrics, J. Thermal Stresses, 11(1988), 421-441.
- Thermoelasticity of initially heated bodies, J. Thermal Stresses, 11(1988), 17-39.
- On some theorems in thermoelastodynamics, Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn. Méc. Appl., 34 (1989), 101-111.
- Some theorems in the theory of thermoelasticity, (with A. Scalia), J. Thermal Stresses, 12(1989), 225-239.
- On Saint-Venant's problem for elastic dielectrics, J. Elasticity, 21(1989), 101-115.
- Reciprocity, uniqueness and minimum principles in the dynamic theory of thermoelasticity, J.Thermal Stresses, 12(1989), 465-482.
- Unele probleme fundamentale ale teoriei mediilor elastice de tip Cosserat, în: Probleme actuale în mecanica solidelor, vol.1, Editura Academiei R.S.R., Bucure şti, 1975, 120pp.
- On some theorems in thermopiezoelectricity, J. Thermal Stresses, 12(1989), 209- 224.
- Reciprocity, uniqueness and minimum principles in the linear theory of piezoelectricity, Int. J. Engng. Sci., 28(1990), 1139-1149.
- On uniqueness and continuous dependence in nonlinear thermodynamics of electromagnetic materials, Quart. Appl. Math., 48(1990), 85-84.
- Reciprocity, uniqueness and minimum principles in elastodynamics, An. Şt. Univ. Iaşi, Matematică, 36(1991), 175-181.
- Some theorems in the theory of nonsimple elastic bodies, (with R.Quintanilla), An. Şt. Univ. Iaşi, Matematică, 37(1991), 113-124.
- A theory of thermoviscoelastic dielectrics, (with M.Ciarlleta), J. Thermal Stresses, 14(1991), 589-606.
- On the grade consistent theory of micropolar thermoelasticity, (with R. Quintanilla), J. Thermal Stresses, 15 (1992), 393-418.
- 94. A theory of mixtures of nonsimple elastic solids, Int. J. Engng. Sci., 30(1992), 317-328.
- Saint-Venant's problem for microstretch elastic solids, (with L.Nappa), Int. J. Engng. Sci., 32(1994), 229-236.
- On the theory of mixtures of elastic bodies, J. Elasticity, 35(1994), 251-268.
- 97. Existence and continuous dependence results in the theory of microstretch elastic bodies, (with R.Quintanilla), Int. J. Engng. Sci., 32(1994), 991-1001.
- A theory of mixtures of nonsimple fluids, Int. J. Engng. Sci., 32(1994), 1423-1436.
- On the stability of motions of thermoelastic fluids, J.Thermal Stresses, 17(1994), 409-419.
- Existence and continuous dependence results in the theory of interacting continua, (with R.Quinanilla), J. Elasticity, 36(1994), 85-98.
- On the equilibrium theory of microstretch elastic solids, (with A.Pompei), Int. J. Engng. Sci., 33(1995), 399-410.
- Extension and bending of microstretch elastic circular cylinders, (with L.Nappa), Int. J. Engng. Sci., 33(1995), 1139-1151.
- Decay estimates and energy bounds for porous elastic cylinders, (with R. Quintanilla), ZAMP, 46(1995), 268-281.
- On the theory of bubbly fluids, Int. J. Engng. Sci., 33(1995), 1853-1860.
- Existence theorems in the theory of mixtures, J. Elasticity, 42(1996), 145-163.
- Uniqueness results in the theory of microstretch fluids, Int. J. Engng. Sci., 35(1997), 669-679.
- Some properties of solutions in dynamical theory of mixtures, (with L.Nappa)., Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 2(1997), 351-360.
- Uniqueness theorems in the theory of nonsimple fluids, Zeits. Angew. Math. Mech., 77(1997), 146-150.
- On Saint-Venant's principle for microstretch elastic bodies, (with A.Scalia), Int. J. Engng., 35(1997), 1277-1290.
- Some results in the dynamical theory of porous elastic bodies (with M. Ciarletta), J. Elasticity, 50(1998), 3-14.
- On the theory of thermoelasticity without energy dissipation, J. Thermal Stresses, 21 (1998), 295-307.
- On the problem of propagation of heat in mixtures (with R. Quintanilla), Appl. Mechanics and Engineering, 4(1999), 529-551.
- Thermal stresses in heterogeneous elastic cylinders, J. Thermal Stresses, 22(1999), 371-385.
- A theory of nonsimple microstretch fluids, (with R. Quintanilla), An. Şt. Univ. Iaşi, Matematică, 46(2000), 171-194.
- On a theory of thermoelasticity with microtemperatures, (with R.Quitanilla), J.Thermal Stresses, 23(2000), 199-217.
- On the plane strain of microstretch elastic solids, (with L. Nappa), Int. J. Engng. Sci., 39(2001), 1815-1835.
- Extremum principles and existence results in micromorphic elasticity (with L. Nappa), Int. J. Engng. Sci., 39(2001), 2051-2070.
- On a theory of micromorphic elastic solids with microtemperatures, J. Thermal Stresses, 24 (2001), 737-752.
- On the micromorphic thermoelasticity, Int. J. Engng. Sci., 40 (2002), 549-568.
- On the theory of heat conduction in micromorphic continua, Int. J. Engng. Sci., 40(2002), 1859-1878.
- On a theory of interacting continua with memory, (with R.Quintanilla), J.Thermal Stresses, 25(2002), 1161-1178.
- Axially-symmetrical problems in porous elastic bodies, (with L.Nappa), Int. J. Solids and Structures, 43(2003), 5271-5286.
- On complex potentials in the theory of microstretch elastic bodies,(with A.Scalia), Int. J. Engng. Sci., 41(2003), 1989-2004.
- Superposed linear deformations on finite deformations of elastic materials with voids, (with A. Scalia), Memoirs of Scientific Sections of Romanian Academy, 26(2003), 1-26.
- Thermal stresses in plane strain of porous elastic bodies, (with L.Nappa), Meccanica, 39 (2004), 125-138.
- On the plane strain of thermo-microstretch elastic solids (with R. Quintanilla), Int. J. Engng. Sci., 42(2004), 1957-1972.
- On the nonlinear theory of interacting micromorphic materials, Int. J. Engng. Sci., 42(2004), 2135-2145.
- On the theory of viscoelastic mixtures, J. Thermal Stresses 27(2004), 1125-1148.
- On the theory of heat for micromorphic bodies (with L. Nappa), Int. J. Engng. Sci., 43(2005), 17-32.
- Thermal stresses in microstretch elastic plates (with R. Quintanilla), Int. J. Engng. Sci., 43(2005), 885-901.
- Second-order effects in the torsion of elastic materials with voids, ZAMM, 85(2005), 351-362.
- Method of complex potentials in linear microstretch elasticity (with L. Nappa), Int. J. Engng. Sci. 44(2006), 797-806.
- On the microstretch piezoelectricity, Int. J. Engng. Sci. 44(2006), 819-829.
- Propagation of singular surfaces in micromorphic continuous with memory (with A. Scalia), Int. J. Engng. Sci. 44(2006), 845-858.
- Nonlinear plane strain of elastic materials with voids, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 11(2006), 337-360.
- Continuous dependence in a nonlinear theory of viscoelastic porous mixtures. Int. J. Engng. Sci. 44(2006), 1127-1145.
- On the deformation of inhomogeneous orthotropic elastic cylinders (with R. Quintanilla), European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 26(2007), 999- 1015.
- A theory of thermoviscoelastic composites modeled as interacting Cosserat continua, J. Thermal Stresses 30(2007), 1269-1289.
- Thermoelasticity of bodies with microstructure and microtemperatures Int.J.Solids and Structures 44(2007), 8648-8662.
- On the theory of loaded inhomogeneous cylinders (with L. Nappa), Mech. Res. Comm., 34(2007), 136-144.
- Some theorems in the theory of microstretch thermopiezoelectricity. (with R. Quintanilla), Int. J. Eng. Sci., 45(2007), 1-16.
- On the deformation of functionally graded porous elastic cylinders, (withA.Scalia), J. Elasticity 87(2007), 147-159.
- A theory of porous thermoviscoelastic mixtures (with R. Quintanilla), J. Thermal Stresses 30 (2007), 693-714.
- Thermal stresses in inhomogeneous porous elastic cylinders, J. Thermal Stresses 30(2007), 145-164.
- Generalized torsion of elastic cylinders with microstructure, Note di Matematica 27(2007), 121-131.
- A theory of prestressed thermoelastic Cosserat continua, ZAMM Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. 88 (2008), 306-319.
- Thermopiezoelectricity without energy dissipation, Proceedings of the Royal Society A , 464(2008), 631-656.
- On the bending of piezoelectric plates with microstructure, Acta Mechanica 198(2008), 191-208.
- Thermoelastic deformation of porous Cosserat beams, J. Thermal Stresses 31(2008), 823-847.
- On the theory of viscoelastic mixtures and stability (with L.Nappa), Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids,13(2008),55-80.
- Thermal effects in orthotropic porous elastic beams, ZAMP, 60(2009), 138-153.
- On the thermoelastic bodies with inner structure and microtemperatures ( with R.Quintanilla), J.Math.Anal.Appl. 354(2009), 12-23.
- Binary mixtures of elastic solids with microstructure, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 14(2009), 564-586.
- Porous elastic beams reinforced by longitudinal rods (with A. Scalia), ZAMP 60 (2009), 1156-1177.
- Singular surfaces in the theory of thermoelasticty with microtemperatures, J. Thermal Stresses, 32(2009), 1279-1292.
- Deformation of orthotropic porous elastic bars under lateral loading, Archives of Mechanics, 62(2010), 3-20
- Torsion of chiral Cosserat elastic rods, European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 29(2010), 990-997
- Thermal effects in chiral elastic rods, Int. J. Thermal Sciences, 49(2010), 1593-1599.
- Plane deformation of elastic bodies with microtemperatures, (with A. Scalia), Mech. Res. Comm. 37(2010), 617- 621.
- Chiral effects in uniformly loaded rods, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 58(2010), 1272-1285.
- On the deformation of orthotropic Cosserat elastic cylinders (with A. Scalia), Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 16(2011), 177-199.
- Prestressed composites modeled as interacting solid continua, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 12(2011), 513-524.
- Deformation of porous Cosserat elastic bars, Int.J.Solids Structures, 48(2011), 573-583.
- Pressure vessel problem for chiral elastic tubes, Int.J. Eng.Sci. 49(2011), 411-419.
- On a theory of thermoviscoelastic mixtures (with A.Scalia), J.Thermal Stresses 34(2011), 228-243.
- On the grade consistent theories of micromorphic solids, American Institute of Physics, Conference Proceedings vol. 1329 (2011), 130-149.
- Thermal stresses in chiral elastic beams, J.Thermal Stresses 34(2011), 458-487.
- On a theory of thermoviscoelastic materials with voids, J. Elasticity, 104(2011)369-384.
- Micromorphic elastic solids with initial stresses and initial heat flux, Int. J. Eng. Sci. 49 (2011), 1350-1356.
- Two-dimensional heat conduction in thermodynamics of continua with microtemperature distributions (with R. Quintanilla), International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 55(2012),48-59.
- On the torsion of inhomogeneous and anisotropic bars, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 17(2012), 848-859.
- A theory of chiral Cosserat elastic plates,(with S. De Cicco), Journal of Elasticity, (2012) DOI 10.1007/s10659-012-9400-7
- Deformation of chiral rods in the strain gradient theory of thermoelasticity, European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 37(2013), 351-360.
- Non-linear deformations of porous elastic solids, (with R.Quintanilla), International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics , 49(2013),57-65.
- On the torsion of chiral bars in gradient elasticity, Int. J. Solids Structures, (2013). DOI 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2012.10.023
- On a strain gradient theory of thermoviscoelasticity (with R.Quintanilla), Mechanics Research Communications 48 (2013),52 - 58.
- Thermal effects in anisotropic porous elastic rods (with S. De Cicco), Journal of Thermal Stresses 6(2013),364-377.
- Deformation of thin chiral plates in strain gradient elasticity, European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 44 (2014) 212- 221.
- On a theory of thermoelastic materials with a double porosity structure (with R. Quintanilla), Journal of Thermal Stresses, 37(2014), 1017-1036.
- Fundamental solutions for chiral solids in gradient elasticity, Mechanics Research Communications , 61(2014), 47-52.
- Strain gradient theory of porous solids with initial stresses and initial heat flux, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series B, 19 (2014), 2169-2187.
- Saint Venant's problem in the strain gradient theory of elasticity Annals of the University of Bucharest (mathematical series), 63 (2014), 1-16.
- Method of potentials in elastostatics of solids with double porosity, Int. J. Eng. Sci. 88 (2015), 118-127.
- Deformation of chiral elastic cylinders composed of two materials, Int. J. Solid Structures, 69-70 (2015),207-216.
- Minimum principles for interacting Cosserat elastic continua (with A. Scalia), Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2015, Article ID 789570, link
- First - strain gradient theory of thermoviscoelasticity, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 38 (2015), 701-715.
- Strain gradient theory of chiral Cosserat thermoelasticity without energy dissipation (with R. Quintanilla), J. Math. Anal. Appl. 437 (2016), 1219-1235.
- Deformation of chiral cylinders in the gradient theory of porous elastic solids, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 21 (2016) , 1138-1148.
- On chiral effects in strain gradient elasticity (with R.Quintanilla) European Journal of Mechanics A/ Solids 58(2016), 233-246.
- Chiral effects in piezoelectricity, Mechanics Research Communications79 (2017), 24-31.