Menu   Prof. dr. Violeta Leoreanu Fotea

    Curriculum Vitae

    +40 232 20 1210


Education and Academic Positions

  • She graduated in Mathematics ( Research Section) at "Al.I.Cuza" University, Iasi, Romania, in 1993, with merit diploma.
  • Since 1994 she has taught at Faculty of Mathematics, "Al.I.Cuza" University.
  • Her actual position in this university is that one of professor.
  • She has obtained several research grants in Italy, given by the Italian Council of Research.
  • In November 1998 she obtained her Ph.D. at "Babes Bolyai" University, Cluj Napoca, Romania, with the thesis: "Contribution of the study of a hypergroup heart structure" (supervisor Prof. Dr. Ioan Purdea).
  • She won the Grigore Moisil Award of Romanian Academy in 2011.
  • In October 2024 she obtained Diploma of Excellence from "Al.I.Cuza" University.

Editorial boards

  • ''Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics''- Forum Editrice, Udine, ITALY
  • ''Advances in Fuzzy Mathematics (AFM)'' Research India Publications, Delhi-110085 INDIA
  • ''Set-valued Mathematics and Applications'', Global Research Publications, Darya Ganj, New Delhi 110002, INDIA
  • ''Fuzzy Sets, Rough Sets and Multivalued Operations", International Sciences Press, INDIA
  • ''Journal of Basic Science of University of Mazandaran'', Mazandaran, IRAN
  • ''European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics'', TURKEY
  • ''Journal of Algebraic Hyperstructures and Logical Algebras'', IRAN



  • Iasi -5th Congress of Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications, June, 1993 International Algebra Conference, October, 1998 Symposium on Mathematics applied in Biology&Biophysics, May 2003, 2004, 2005; "Al.I.Cuza" University Days, October 1994, 1996, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2009, " Alexandru Myller " Mathematical Seminar Centennial Conference, June 2010; 14th Congress of Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications, June, 2020 (organizer)
  • Cluj Napoca - Presentation of Ph.D. Thesis, November 1998
  • Timisoara - Symposium of Mathematics and its Applications, November 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001
  • Ef. Nord - Algebra Workshop: Grobner Bases and Applications, September 1999
  • Bistrita - VII th Conference of Roumanian Society of Mathematical Science, May 2003


  • Udine - Visiting Udine University, 1996,1997,2000, 2003, 2004, 2009, Visiting Professor in Erasmus mobilities 2015-2023
  • Palermo - Combinatorics (G.N.S.A.G.A. of C.N.R.), June 1998
  • Pescara - Hyperstructures and their applications in Criptography, Geometry and Probability, October, 1995; Fuzzy sets, multivalued operations and applications to social sciences, November 2007; 11th Congress of Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications, October, 2011 (Invited Speaker)
  • Chieti - Fuzzy Sets, Multivalued Operations and Applications to Social sciences, September, 2015 (Invited Speaker)
  • Messina - Invited Professor at Messina University, May 1995
  • Taormina - 7th Congress of Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications, June, 1999
  • Siena - Convegno di Algebra e Informatica Teorica, PU.M.A., June 2001; Convegno di Algebra ed Altra Matematica, in onore di Jeno Szep, February 2005
  • Pugnochiuso - Funzioni speciali e applicazioni, July,1998


  • Budapest - Pannonian Applied Mathematics Meeting, January 1997


  • Malaga - Invited Prof. at University of Malaga, April 2012

Czech Republic:

  • Prague 6th Congress of Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications, September 1996
  • Brno 10th Congress of Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications, September 2008 (Invited Speaker)


  • Montreal - Invited Prof. at Universite' de Montreal, October 2000, Visiting Prof. at Montreal University, October 2003, May 2006


  • Patras - 4th Panhellenic Conference on Algebra and Number Theory, May-June 2002
  • Samothraki - 8th Congress of Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications, September, 2002 (Invited Speaker)
  • Xanthi - 12th Congress of Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications, September, 2014 (Invited Speaker); Conference dedicated to Th. Vougiouklis, 2017


  • Bangkok - Invited Prof at Chulalongkorn University, October 2001, May 2004, September 2007, May 2009, July 2011
  • Chiang Mai: Invited Prof at Chiang Mai University, Department of Math, Faculty of Science, May, 2004.
  • Bangkok - International Conference on Algebra and Related Topics, May 2008


  • Hong Kong - ICM Satellite Conference in Algebra and Related Topics, Chinese University of Hong Kong, August, 2002
  • Kunming-Invited Prof. at Yunnan University and Yunnan Universities of Nationalities, May 2004, July 2005, May 2008
  • Chongqing - International Conference in Discrete Mathematics with application to Information Science and Related topics, October 2004; Invited Prof. at Southwest University of Chongqing, July 2010.


  • Babolsar - 9th Congress of Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications, September, 2005 (Invited Speaker)
  • Yazd - 36th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, September 2005 (Invited Speaker)


  • Istanbul - Visiting Professor at Yildiz Tecnical University, April 2013; 15th Congress of Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications, July, 2023 (Invited Speaker).


  • Grant of research for Foreign Mathematicians in Italy, obtained by contest, from Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma, Italy: 1994 (six months) announcement (bando) no. 211.01.28 del 31/7/93;
  • Grant obtained by contest, from NATO - C.N.R. Guest Fellowships Programme 1995 (four months), announcement (bando) no. 217.28/1;
  • Grants of Visiting Junior in Italy, obtained by contest, from Istituto nazionale di Alta Matematica Francesco Severi, Gruppo Nazionale per le strutture algebriche e geometriche e loro applicazioni, Firenze, Italy: 1997 (three months)
  • Grants of Visiting Professor in Italy, obtained by contest, from Istituto nazionale di Alta Matematica Francesco Severi, Gruppo Nazionale per le strutture algebriche e geometriche e loro applicazioni, Firenze, Italy: 1999 (three months); 2000 (three months); 2002 (three months); 2003 (two months); 2004 (one month); 2009 (2 weeks);
  • Since 1996, she is a member of the Research Unity of Udine University , part of the Research Italian National Group - Strutture Geometriche, Combinatoria e loro Applicazioni, on the following theme: Iperstrutture e applicazioni - in particolare Ipergruppi, join spaces, Ipergruppi di Wall e loro applicazioni a Combinatoria, Grafi e Ipergrafi, Fuzzy Sets e Rough Sets, Relazioni binarie;
  • Member in the PRIN 2005/2006 grant : Geometric Structures, combinatorics and its applications, Italia, coordinator Prof. Guglielmo Lunardon;
  • Research visits, covered by the NSERC Canada research grant: Clones and relations (coordinator Prof. dr. I.G. Rosenberg), 2003 (one month), 2006 (one month);
  • Coordinator of GAR 2007 /2008 (Grant of Romanian Academy) : Hipergrupuri si grupuri abeliene. Aplicatii, n.88

Organizer of the following conferences:

  • Workshop: Mathematical methods in Social Sciences, May 17th-19th, 2010, Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi;
  • Workshop dedicated to Professor Ion Creanga - 100 years from birth: Open problems in algebraic hyperstructure theory and applications, September 24th-26th , 2011, Al. I Cuza University, Iasi. The workshop was supported by CNCS-UEFISCDI, project number PN II-IDEI/WE-002/2011;
  • The 14- AHA Conference: Algebraic Hyperstructures and their Applications, online conference, June 22th-24th, 2020, Al.I. Cuza University, Iasi;
  • International Conference on Mathematics Applied in Life Sciences, June 23-24, 2022 (co-organizator), Life Sciences University, Iasi.