University "Al.I.Cuza" of Iasi Faculty of Mathematics Marian Ioan Munteanu

Marian Ioan MUNTEANU


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Published in Journals
In print:
R. Lopez, M.I. Munteanu: Conformal trajectories in three-dimensional space forms, , International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, (2024) art. 2450258.
  1. J. Inoguchi, M.I. Munteanu, Homogeneity of magnetic trajectories in the real special linear group, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 152 (2024) 3, 1287-1300, DOI:
  1. J. Inoguchi, M.I. Munteanu, Killing submersions and magnetic curves, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 520 (2023) art. 126889. 
  2. J. Inoguchi, M.I. Munteanu, Magnetic Jacobi fields in Sasakian space forms, Mediterranean J. Mathematics, 20 (2023) art. 29.
  3. J. Inoguchi, M.I. Munteanu, Magnetic unit vector fields, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matematicas, 117 (2023) 2, art. 71
  4. S.L. Druta-Romaniuc, J. Inoguchi, M.I. Munteanu, Killing slant magnetic curves in the 3-dimensional Heisenberg group Nil3, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics,  20 (2023) 6, art. 2350094.
  5. M.I. Munteanu, On Some Weingarten Surfaces in the Special Linear Group SL(2,R), Mathematics, 11 (2023) 22, art.4636.
  1. M.I. Munteanu, A.I. Nistor: Magnetic curves in the generalized Heisenberg group,  Nonlinear Analysis, 214 (2022) art. 112571.
  2. M.I. Munteanu, Magnetic geodesics in (almost) cosymplectic Lie groups of dimension 3, Mathematics, Special Issue Topics in Differential Geometry - Dedicated to the Centenary of the Birth of Shiing-shen Chern (1911-2004), 10 (2022) 4,  art. 544.
  3. J. Inoguchi, M.I. Munteanu, Magnetic Jacobi fields in 3-dimensional Sasakian space forms, J. Geom. Analysis, 32 (2022) 3, art. 96.
  4. M.I. Munteanu, A.I. Nistor, Magnetic curves on quasi-Sasakian manifolds of product type, in New Horizons in Differential Geometry and its Related Fields, Eds. T.Adachi and H.Hashimoto, 2022, ISBN 978-981-124-809-2, (chapter World Scientific) pages 1-22.
  5. J. Inoguchi, M.I. Munteanu, Slant curves and magnetic curves, in Contact Geometry of Slant Submanifolds, Springer (2022), Eds. Bang-Yen Chen, Mohammad Hasan Shahid and Falleh R. Al-Solamy, ISBN 978-981-16-0016-6, (chapter Springer) pages 199-259
  1. M.T.K. Abbassi, N. Amri, M.I. Munteanu: Magnetic trajectories on tangent sphere bundle with G-natural metrics, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 200 (2021) 3, 1033-1054. 
  2. M.I. Munteanu, A.I. Nistor, Magnetic Jacobi fields in cosymplectic 3-dimensional manifolds, Mathematics, Special Issue Differential Geometry: structures on manifolds and their applications, 9 (2021) 24 art. 3220.
  1. M. Djoric, M.I. Munteanu: Five-dimensional contact CR-submanifolds in S7(1), Mathematics, Special Issue Riemannian Geometry of Submanifolds, Guest Editor: Luc Vrancken,  8 (2020) 8, art. 1278.
  2. S. De Candia, M.I. Munteanu: Classification of slant surfaces in S3 x R, Advances in Geometry, 20 (2020) 4, 463-472.
  3. M. Djoric, M.I. Munteanu: On certain contact CR-submanifolds in S7, Contemporary Mathematics, Geometry of submanifolds Eds. (J. van der Veken et al.) 756 (2020) 111-120.
  1. J. Inoguchi, M.I. Munteanu: Magnetic curves in the real special linear group, Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 23 (2019) 8, 2161-2205.
  2. O. Ates, M.I. Munteanu, A.I. Nistor: Dynamics on S3 and the Hopf fibration, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 347 (2019) 429 - 441.
  3. J. Inoguchi, M.I. Munteanu, A.I. Nistor: Magnetic curves on quasi-Sasakian 3-manifolds, Analysis and Mathematical Physics, 9 (2019) 1, 43 - 61.
  4. J. Inoguchi, M.I. Munteanu: Magnetic curves on tangent sphere bundles, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matematicas, 113 (2019) 3, 2087 - 2112.
  5. M.I. Munteanu, C. Ramis: Minimal translation surfaces in the 3-dimensional Heisenberg group, Filomat, 33 (2019) 6, 1583-1592.
  1. O. Ates, M.I. Munteanu: Periodic J-trajectories in R x S3, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 133 (2018), 141-152.
  2. J. Inoguchi, M.I. Munteanu: Magnetic vector fields: new examples, Publications de l'Institut Mathematique (Beograd), 103 (117) (2018), 91-102.
  3. G. Calvaruso, M.I. Munteanu: Hopf magnetic curves in the anti-de Sitter space H 31, J. Nonlinear Math. Physics, 25 (2018) 3, 462-484.
  4. J. Inoguchi, M.I. Munteanu: Magnetic curves in tangent sphere bundles II, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 466 (2018) 1570-1581.
  1. M. Djoric, M.I. Munteanu, L. Vrancken: Four-dimensional contact CR-submanifolds in S7(1), Mathematische Nachrichten, 290 (2017) 16, 2585-2596.
  2. J. Inoguchi, M.I. Munteanu: Periodic magnetic curves in Berger spheres, Tohoku Mathematical Journal, 69 (2017) 1, 113-128.
  3. M.I. Munteanu, A.I. Nistor: On some closed magnetic curves on a 3-torus, Math. Phys. Analysis Geometry 20 (2017) 2, art. 8.
  1. M. Moruz, M.I. Munteanu: Minimal translation hypersurfaces in E4, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 439 (2016), 798 - 812.
  2. S.L. Druta-Romaniuc, J. Inoguchi, M.I. Munteanu, A.I. Nistor: Magnetic curves in cosymplectic manifolds,Reports on Math. Physics, 78 (2016) 1, 33 - 48.
  3. M.I. Munteanu, O. Palmas, G. Ruiz-Hernandez: Translation hypersurfaces in Euclidean spaces, Mediterranean J. Mathematics, 13 (2016) 5, 2659-2676.
  1. M. Jleli, M.I. Munteanu: Magnetic curves on flat para-Kaehler manifolds,Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 39 (2015) 6, 963 - 969.
  2. S.L. Druta-Romaniuc, J. Inoguchi, M.I. Munteanu, A.I. Nistor: Magnetic curves in Sasakian manifolds, J. Nonlinear Math. Physics, 22 (2015) 3, 428-447.
  3. M. Babaarslan, M.I. Munteanu: Time-like loxodromes on rotational surfaces in Minkowski 3-spaces, An.St. ale Univ.`Al.I.Cuza` din Iasi, 61 (2015) 2, 471-484.
  4. G. Calvaruso, M.I. Munteanu, A. Peronne: Killing magnetic curves on three dimensional almost paracontact manifolds, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 426 (2015) 1, 423-439.
  5. M. Jleli, M.I. Munteanu, A.I. Nistor: Magnetic trajectories in an almost contact metric manifold R2N+1, Results in Mathematics, 67 (2015) 1-2, 125-134.
  6. J. Inoguchi, M.I. Munteanu: New examples of magnetic maps involving tangent bundles, Rendiconti Sem Matematico (Universita e Politecnico di Torino) special issue: Geom. Struc. on Riem. Man. Bari, 73 (2015) 1-2, 101-116.
  1. J. Inoguchi, M.I. Munteanu: Magnetic maps, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 11 (2014) 6, art. 1450058.
  2. M.I. Munteanu, A.I. Nistor: A note on magnetic curves on S 2n+1, Comptes Rendus Mathematiques, 352 (2014) 5, 447 - 449.
  3. M.I. Munteanu: The Landau Hall problem on canal surfaces, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 414 (2014) 2, 725 - 733.
  4. Y. Fu, M.I. Munteanu: Generalized constant ratio surfaces in E3, Bull. Braz. Math. Soc., 45 (2014) 1, 73 - 90.
  5. R. Lopez, M.I. Munteanu: Invariant surfaces in homogeneous space Sol with constant curvature, Mathematische Nachrichten , 287 (2014) 8-9, 1013 - 1024.
  6. M.I. Munteanu, L. Vrancken: Minimal contact CR submanifolds in S2n+1 satisfying the δ(2)-Chen's equality, Journal of Geometry and Physics , 75 (2014), 92 - 97.
  1. M.I. Munteanu: Magnetic curves in the Euclidean space: one example, several approaches, Publications de l'Institut Mathematique (Beograd) , 94 (108) (2013) 2, 141-150.
  2. B.Y. Chen, M.I. Munteanu: Biharmonic ideal hypersurfaces in Euclidean spaces, Differential Geometry and Its Applications 31 (2013) 1, 1 - 16.
  3. M. Crasmareanu, C.E. Hretcanu, M.I. Munteanu: Golden and Product shaped hypersurfaces in real space forms, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 10 (2013) 4, art. 1320006, (9pp).
  4. S.L. Druta-Romaniuc, M.I. Munteanu: Killing magnetic curves in a Minkowski space, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 14 (2013) 1, 383 - 396.
  1. C. Calin, M. Crasmareanu, M.I. Munteanu: Slant curves in 3-dimensional f-Kenmotsu manifolds, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 394 (2012) 1, 400-407.
  2. J. Inoguchi, R. Lopez, M.I. Munteanu: Minimal translation surfaces in the Heisenberg group Nil3, Geometriae Dedicata 161 (2012), 221 - 231.
  3. P. Alegre, B.-Y. Chen, M.I. Munteanu: Riemannian submersions, δ-invariants and Optimal inequality, Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 42 (2012) 3, 317 - 331.
  4. C. Calin, M. Crasmareanu, M.I. Munteanu, V. Saltarelli: Semi-invariant ξ¦ -submanifolds of generalized quasi-Sasakian manifold,
      Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 16 (2012) 6, 2053 - 2062.
  5. M.I. Munteanu, A.I. Nistor: The classification of Killing magnetic curves in S2 x R, Journal of Geometry and Physics , 62 (2012) 2, 170 - 182.
  6. B.Y. Chen, M.I. Munteanu: Geometry of PR-warped products in para-Kaehler manifolds, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 16 (2012) 4, 1293 - 1327.
  7. M.I. Munteanu, A.I. Nistor: Surfaces in E3 making constant angle with Killing vector fields, International Journal of Mathematics 23 (2012) 6, art. 1250023 (16pp).
  8. R. Lopez, M.I. Munteanu: Minimal translation surfaces in Sol3 , Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 64 (2012) 3, 985 - 1003.
  1. S.L. Druta-Romaniuc, M.I. Munteanu: Magnetic curves corresponding to Killing magnetic fields in E3,  Journal of Mathematical Physics 52 (2011) 11, art. 113506 (11pp).
  2. R. Lopez, M.I. Munteanu: On the geometry of constant angle surfaces in Sol3 Kyushu Journal of Mathematics , 65 (2011) 2, 237 - 249.
  3. R. Lopez, M.I. Munteanu: Surfaces with constant mean curvature in Sol geometry, Differential Geometry and Its Applications 29 (2011), S238 -S245.
  4. M.I. Munteanu, A.I. Nistor: On the Geometry of the Second Fundamental Form of Translation Surfaces in E3 , Houston Journal of Mathematics, 37 (2011) 4, 1087-1102.
  5. F. Dillen, M.I. Munteanu, J. van der Veken, L. Vrancken: Classification of constant angle surfaces in a warped product ,
      Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications
    , 16 (2011) 2, 35 - 47.
  6. M.I. Munteanu, A.I. Nistor: Complete classification of surfaces with a canonical principal direction in the Euclidean space E3,
      Central European Journal of Mathematics, 9 (2011) 2, 378 - 389.
  7. M.I. Munteanu, A.I. Nistor: Minimal and flat surfaces in H2 x R with canonical coordinates , Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 542 (2011), 267 - 271.
  8. F. Dillen, M.I. Munteanu, A.I. Nistor: Canonical coordinates and principal directions for surfaces in H2 x R , Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 15 (2011) 5, 2265-2289.
  9. J. Fastenakels, M.I. Munteanu, J. van der Veken: Constant angle surfaces in the Heisenberg group , Acta Mathematica Sinica (English Series), 27 (2011) 4, 747 - 756.
  10. R. Lopez, M.I. Munteanu: Constant angle surfaces in Minkowski space , Bulletin of the Belgian Math. Society - Simon Stevin , 18 (2011) 2, 271 - 286.
  1. M.I. Munteanu: From Golden Spirals to Constant Slope Surfaces, Journal of Mathematical Physics 51 (2010) 7, art. 073507. (click also here)
  2. M.I. Munteanu, A.I. Nistor: New results on the geometry of translation surfaces, Journal of Geometry and Symmetry in Physics (JGSP) 18 (2010) 49 - 62.
  3. R. Mocanu, M.I. Munteanu: Gray Curvature Identities for Almost Contact Metric Manifolds, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 47 (2010) 3, 505-521.
  1. M.I. Munteanu, A.I. Nistor: A new approach on constant angle surfaces in E,3, Turkish Journal of Mathematics 33 (2009) 2, 169-178.
  2. F. Dillen, M.I. Munteanu: Constant angle surfaces in H2 x R, Bull. Braz. Math. Soc. 40 (2009) 1, 85-97.
  1. M.I. Munteanu: Minimal submanifolds in R4 with a g.c.K. structure, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 58 (2008) 1, 61-78.
  2. M.I. Munteanu: Some aspects on the geometry of the tangent bundles and tangent sphere bundles of a Riemannian manifold,
    Mediterranean J. Mathematics 5 (2008) 1, 43-60.
  1. M.I. Munteanu: A Note on Doubly Warped Product Contact CR-Submanifolds in trans-Sasakian Manifolds, Acta Mathematica Hungarica 116 (1-2) (2007), 121-126.
  2. M.I. Munteanu: Doubly Warped Product CR-Submanifolds in Locally Conformal Kaehler Manifolds, Monatshefte fur Mathematik 150 (2007) 4, 333-342.
  1. M.I. Munteanu: New aspects on CR-structures of codimension 2 on Hypersurfaces of Sasakian Manifolds, Archivum Mathematicum (Brno), 42 (2006) 1, 69-84.
  1. M.I. Munteanu: Warped product contact CR submanifolds of Sasakian space forms, Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 66 (2005), 1-2, 75-120.
  1. M.I. Munteanu: Harmonicity and gauge transformation in dimension 3, J. of Geometry 77, 2003, 140-151.
  2. P. Matzeu, M.I. Munteanu: Vector Cross Products and Almost Contact Structure, Rendiconti di Matematica , Serie VII, vol. 22, Roma, 2002, 359-376.
  3. M.I. Munteanu: Some results on CR-manifolds on 3-dimensional manifolds, Rend. Sem. Fac. Sci. Univ. Cagliari, vol.70, 2, 2000, 29-42.
  4. P. Matzeu, M.I. Munteanu: Classification of almost contact structures associated with a pseudoconvex CR-structure, Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma , (6) 3, 2000, 127-142.
  5. M.I. Munteanu: New CR-structures on the Unit Tangent Bundle, Ann. Univ. Timisoara , vol.38, Fasc. 1, 2000, Seria Mat. Inf., 99-110.
  6. M.I. Munteanu: Products of Almost Contact Manifolds, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi, Tomul XLIV (XLVIII), Fasc. 3-4, 1998, 1-7.
  7. M.I. Munteanu: CR-structures on the Hypersurfaces of the Tangent Bundle, Italian J.of Pure and Applied Mathematics , N.7, 2000, 113-124.
  8. M.I. Munteanu: CR-structures on the Unit Cotangent Bundle, An.St. ale Univ.`Al.I.Cuza` din Iasi, Tomul XLIV, s.I.a, Matematica 1998, f1, 125-136.
  9. M.I. Munteanu: CR-structures on the Unit Tangent Bundle and Bochner Type Tensor, Ann.Univ. Bucuresti, Matematica, An XLVII (1998), nr 1, 55-64.

Published in Proceedings
  1. M.I. Munteanu, A.I. Nistor: Magnetic trajectories in a non-flat R5 have order 5, Proceedings of the conference Pure and Applied Differential Geometry, PADGE 2012, Eds. J. Van der Veken, I. Van de Woestyne, L. Verstraelen, L. Vrancken, Shaker Verlag Aachen 2013, 224-231. ISBN 978-3-8440-2363-3.
  2. M.I. Munteanu: A survey on constant angle surfaces in homogeneous 3-dimensional spaces, Proceedings of the Workshop on differential geometry and its applications, Iasi (Romania): September 2 - 4, 2009, Eds. D. Andrica and S.Moroianu, Cluj University Press, 2011, 109 - 123, ISBN 978-973-595-235-8.
  3. M.I. Munteanu, A.I. Nistor: Polynomial Translation Weingarten Surfaces in 3-dimensional Euclidean space,
    Proceedings of the VIII International Colloquium on Differential Geometry (E. Vidal Abascal centennial congress) and satellite of the 5th European Congress of Mathematics 2009, ISBN 978-981-4261-16-6, World Scientific 2009, 316-320.
  4. F. Dillen, M.I. Munteanu: Surfaces in H+ x R, Proceedings of the conference Pure and Applied Differential Geometry, PADGE 2007, Eds. Franki Dillen, Ignace Van de Woestyne, 185-193, ISBN 978-3-8322-6759-9.
  5. M.I. Munteanu: Old and New Structures on the Tangent Bundle, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Geometry, Integrability and Quantization, June 9-14, 2006, Varna, Bulgaria, Eds. I. M. Mladenov and M. de Leon, Sofia 2007, 264-278; ISBN 978-954-8495-37-0.
  6. M.I. Munteanu: Cheeger Gromoll type metrics on the tangent bundle, Proceedings of the fifth international symposium BioMathsPhys, Iasi, June 16-17, 2006, U.A.S.V.M. Ion Ionescu de la Brad, 49 (2006) 2, 257 – 268.
  7. M.I. Munteanu: CR-structures of CR-codimension 2 on Hypersurfaces in Sasakian Manifolds, Proceedings of the 9-th Conference of Differential Geometry and Its Applications, 2004, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 153-159, ISBN 80 - 86732 - 63 - 0.
  8. M.I. Munteanu: CR-structures on the Translated Sphere Bundle, Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Differential Geometry and Its Applications, Sibiu-Romania, September 18-23, 1997, 277-280.

Not yet published
  1. J. Inoguchi, M.I. Munteanu, Homogeneity of magnetic trajectories in Berger spheres, submitted.
  2. J. Inoguchi, M.I. Munteanu, The oscillator group and homogeneous magnetic trajectories in the Heisenberg group, submitted.
  3. J.Inoguchi, M.I. Munteanu, Magnetic curves in tangent sphere bundles III,submitted.
  4. R.Lopez, M.I. Munteanu, Solitons of mean curvature flow in S2 x R, submitted.
  5. R.Lopez, M.I. Munteanu, Translators of the mean curvature flow in the special linear group SL(2,R), submitted.
  6. R.Lopez, M.I. Munteanu, A.I. Nistor, Translating solitons in Rn+1 by separation of variables, submitted.
  7. M.I. Munteanu, H.Yildirim,  Magnetic sections in the tangent bundle, in preparation.

  1. M.I. Munteanu, A.I. Nistor: 314 solved exercices and problems of analytic geometry (in Romanian), 308pp, Performantica Publishing House, 2022,
    ISBN 978-606-685-951-6.
  2. M.I. Iftinchi, M.I. Munteanu, Planar sections in quadrics, lecture notes (in Romanian) 110pp, “ Al.I.Cuza ” University Publishing House, 2022,
    ISBN 978-606-714-700-1.
  3. M.I. Munteanu, A.I. Nistor: Algorithms of Triangulation, lecture notes (in Romanian), 175pp, Demiurg Publishing House, 2008
    ISBN 978-973-152-059-9 .
  4. O. Constantinescu, M. Crasmareanu, M.I. Munteanu: Elements of Higher Geometry, (in Romanian), 154pp, Matrix Rom Publishing House, 2007
    ISBN 978-973-755-288-4 .
  5. M.I. Munteanu: 2D-Geometric Algorithms with applications in CAGD, lecture notes (in Romanian), 229pp., “ Al.I.Cuza ” University Publishing House, 2005,
    ISBN 973-703-805-0.

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