Stan Chirita's Homepage
Alexandru Ioan Cuza
University of Iasi,
Department of Mathematics,
Blvd. Carol I, no. 11,
700506- Iasi, Romania
Office: +40 232 201226/+40 232 201160
Mobile Phone: +40 757555442
Papers in ISI journals
- Julia de Castro Motta, Vittorio Zampoli, Stan Chirita, Michele Ciarletta, On the structural stability for a model of mixture of porous
solids, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, First published online December 14, 2023. DOI: 10.1002/mma.9825. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Some characteristic properties of the solutions in the three-phase-lag heat conduction,
Journal of Thermal Stresses, First published online December 13, 2023. DOI:10.1080/01495739.2023.2285791. pdf
- Ciro D'Apice, Stan Chirita, On the spatial behavior of solutions for three-phase-lag thermal model,
Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 18(5) (2023), 727--740. DOI: 10.2140/jomms.2023.18.727 pdf
- Stan Chirita, Ciro D'Apice, On a three-phase-lag heat conduction model for rigid conductor, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids,
(2023), 1--14. First published online July 31, 2023. DOI: 10.1177/10812865231188526. pdf
- Vittorio Zampoli, Stan Chirita, Rayleigh waves in thermoelasticity: triple porous media in local thermal non-equilibrium,
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 28 (5) (2023), 1113--1132. DOI: 10.1177/10812865221108997. pdf
- Vittorio Zampoli, Stan Chirita, Elastic and thermal effects upon the propagation of waves with assigned wavelength, Proceedings of the Royal Society A,
478: 20220478 (2022), 1--15. DOI: 10.1098/rspa.2022.0478. pdf
- Andreea Arusoaie, Stan Chirita, Waves in the theory of elasticity for triple porosity materials, Meccanica, 57 (2022), 641--657.
DOI: 10.1007/s11012-021-01457-6. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Vittorio Zampoli, Wave propagation in porous thermoelasticity with two
delay times, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 45 (2022), 1498--1512. DOI: 10.1002/mma.7869. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Attenuation of an external signal in a thermoelastic material with triple porosity in local thermal non-equilibrium,
Journal of Thermal Stresses, 44 (2021), 768--783. DOI: 10.1080/01495739.2021.1914529. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Catalin Gales, Wave propagation and attenuation in time in local thermal non-equilibrium triple porosity thermoelastic medium,
Acta Mechanica, 232 (2021), 4217--4233. DOI: 10.1007/s00707-021-03044-y. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Andreea Arusoaie, Thermoelastic waves in double porosity materials,
European Journal of Mechanics/A Solids, 86 (2021), Articol 104177. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Modeling triple porosity under local thermal nonequilibrium,
Journal of Thermal Stresses, 43 (2020), 210--224. DOI: 10.1080/01495739.2019.1679057. pdf
- Catalin Gales, Stan Chirita, Wave propagation in materials with double porosity,
Mechanics of Materials, 149 (2020), Articol 103558. pdf
- Ciro D'Apice, Vittorio Zampoli, Stan Chirita, On the wave propagation in the thermoelasticity theory with two temperatures,
Journal of Elasticity, 140(2) (2020), 257--272. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Ciro D'Apice, Vittorio Zampoli. Spatial behavior of the steady state vibrations in a dual-phase-lag rigid conductor,
Journal of Advanced Thermal Science Research, 6 (2019), 1--9. pdf
- Stan Chirita. On high-order approximations for describing the lagging behavior of heat conduction, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 24
(2019), 1648-1667. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Vittorio Zampoli. Spatial behavior of the dual-phase-lag deformable conductors, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 41 (2018), 1276--1296.
- Stan Chirita. High-order effects of thermal lagging in deformable conductors, International Journal of Heat and Mass
Transfer, 127 (2018), 965--974. pdf
- Stan Chirita. High-order approximations of three-phase-lag heat conduction model: Some qualitative results, Journal of Thermal Stresses,
41 (2018), 608-626. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Michele Ciarletta, Vincenzo Tibullo. On the thermomechanical consistency of the time differential dual-phase-lag models of heat conduction,
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 114 (2017), 277--285. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Michele Ciarletta, Vincenzo Tibullo. Qualitative properties of solutions in the time differential dual-phase-lag model of heat conduction,
Applied Mathematical Modelling, 50 (2017), 380-393. pdf
- Stan Chirita. On the time differential dual-phase-lag thermoelastic model, Meccanica, 52 (2017) 349-361. pdf
- Ciro D'Apice, Stan Chirita, Vittorio Zampoli. On the well-posedness of the time-differential three-phase-lag thermoelasticity model, Archives
of Mechanics, 68 (5) (2016), 1--23. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Ciro D'Apice, Vittorio Zampoli. The time differential three-phase-lag heat conduction model: Thermodynamic
compatibility and continuous dependence, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 102 (2016), 226--232.
- Stan Chirita, Alexandre Danescu. On the propagation waves in the theory of thermoelasticity with microtemperatures,
Mechanics Research Communications, 75 (2016) 1--12; DOI:
10.1016/j.mechrescom.2016.05.003. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Ciro D'Apice.
Plane harmonic waves in the theory of thermoviscoelastic materials with voids, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 39 (2016) 142-155. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Michele Ciarletta, Vincenzo Tibullo.
On the wave propagation in the time differential dual-phase-lag thermoelastic model, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 471 (2015). pdf
- Stan Chirita, Vittorio Zampoli.
On the forward and backward in time problems in the Kelvin-Voigt thermoviscoelastic materials, Mechanics Research Communications, 68 (2015) 25-30. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Alexandre Danescu.
Surface waves problem in a thermoviscoelastic porous half-space,
Wave Motion, 54 (2015) 100-114. pdf
- Stan Chirita.
On the spatial behavior of the steady-state vibrations in thermoviscoelastic porous materials,
Journal of Thermal Stresses, 38 (2015) 96-109. pdf
- Stan Chirita.
Spatial behavior in the vibrating thermoviscoelastic porous materials, Discrete and
Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 19 (2014) 2027-2038. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Michele Ciarletta, Vincenzo Tibullo.
Rayleigh surface waves on a Kelvin-Voigt viscoelastic half space, Journal of Elasticity, 115 (2014) 61-76.
- Michele Ciarletta, Stan Chirita.
Some non-standard problems related with the mathematical model of thermoelasticity with microtemperatures, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 36 (2013) 517-536.
Stan Chirita.
Thermoelastic surface waves on an exponentially graded half space, Mechanics Research Communications, 49 (2013) 27--35. pdf
Stan Chirita.
On the Rayleigh surface waves on an anisotropic homogeneous thermoelastic half space, Acta Mechanica, 224 (2013) 657-674. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Rayleigh waves on an exponentially graded poroelastic half space, Journal of Elasticity, 110 (2013) 185-199. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Michele Ciarletta, Ciro D'Apice. On the theory of thermoelasticity with microtemperatures, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 397 (2013) 349-361. pdf
- Stan Chirita. On the final boundary value problems in linear thermoelasticity, Meccanica, 47 (2012) 2005-2011. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Ionel Dumitrel Ghiba. Rayleigh waves in Cosserat elastic materials, International Journal of Engineering Science, 51 (2012) 117-127. pdf
- Stan Chirita. On the harmonic vibrations in linear theory of thermoelasticity of type III. Mechanics Research Communications, 38 (2011) 393-398. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Michele Ciarletta. Several results on uniqueness and continuous data dependence in thermoelasticity of type III.
Journal of Thermal Stresses, 34 (2011) 873-889. pdf
- Ciro D'Apice, Michele Ciarletta, Stan Chirita.
Saint-Venant decay rates for an inhomogeneous isotropic linear thermoelastic strip. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 381 (2011) 121-133.
- Stan Chirita, Michele Ciarletta. On the harmonic vibrations in linear thermoelasticity without energy dissipation.
Journal of Thermal Stresses, 33 (2010) 858 - 878. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Ionel Dumitrel Ghiba. Inhomogeneous plane waves in elastic materials with voids, Wave Motion, 47 (2010) 333-342 .
- Stan Chirita, Ciro D'Apice. On Saint Venant's principle in a poroelastic arch-like region.
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 33 (2010) 1743-1754. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Michele Ciarletta. Reciprocal and variational principles in linear thermoelasticity without energy dissipation.
Mechanics Research Communications, 37 (2010) 271-275 . pdf
- Stan Chirita, Michele Ciarletta. Spatial behavior for some non-standard problems in linear thermoelasticity without energy dissipation.
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application, 367 (2010) 58-68. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Ciro D'Apice.On Saint Venant's principle for a linear poroelastic material in plane strain.
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application, 363 (2010) 454-467. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Ionel Dumitrel Ghiba. Strong ellipticity and progressive waves in elastic materials with voids.
Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 466 (2010) 439-458. pdf
- Stan Chirita. On some non-standard problems in linear thermoelasticity.
Journal of Thermal Stresses, 32 (2009) 1256 - 1269. pdf
- Catalin Gales, Stan Chirita. On spatial behavior in linear viscoelasticity.
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 67 (2009) 707--723. pdf
- M. Ciarletta, Stan Chirita. On the spatial behavior in thermoelasticity without energy dissipation.
Journal of Thermal Stresses, 32 (2009) 1198 - 1214. pdf
- Stan Chirita, M. Ciarletta. Spatial evolution of harmonic vibrations in linear elasticity.
Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 3 (2008) 1675-1693. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Catalin Gales. A mixture theory for microstretch thermoviscoelastic solids.
Journal of Thermal Stresses, 31 (2008) 1099--1124. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Alexandre Danescu. On the strong ellipticity condition for tetragonal system of linearly elastic solids.
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 45 (2008) 4850--4859. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Michele Ciarletta. On the structural stability of thermoelastic model of porous media.
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 31 (2008) 19-34. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Catalin Gales, Ionel Dumitrel Ghiba. On spatial behavior of the harmonic vibrations in
Kelvin-Voigt materials. Journal of Elasticity, 93 (2008) 81--92. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Spatial behaviour in the strongly elliptic anisotropic thermoelastic materials.
Journal of Thermal Stresses, 30 (2007) 859-873. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Alexandre Danescu, Michele Ciarletta. On the strong ellipticity of the anisotropic linearly
elastic materials. Journal of Elasticity, 87 (2007) 1-27. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Ciro D'Apice. Spatial decay estimates for the biharmonic equation in plane polars with applications to
plane elasticity. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 12 (2007) 343-357. pdf
- Stan Chirita. On the strong ellipticity condition for transversely isotropic linearly elastic solids.
An. St. Univ. Iasi, Matematica, 52 (2006) 245-250. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Michele Ciarletta. Spatial estimates for the constrained anisotropic elastic cylinder.
J. Elasticity, 85 (2006) 189-213. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Michele Ciarletta, Brian Straughan. Structural stability in porous elasticity.
Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 462 (2006) 2593-2605. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Ciro D'Apice. A new method for the study of the spatial behaviour in a homogeneous elastic arch-like region.
Applicable Analysis, 85 (2006) 917-932. pdf
- Michele Ciarletta, Stan Chirita. On some growth-decay results in thermoelasticity of porous media.
Journal of Thermal Stresses, 29 (2006) 905-924. pdf
- Stan Chirita. On Saint-Venant's principle for a homogeneous elastic arch-like region.
Journal of Elasticity, 81 (2005) 115--127. pdf
- Michele Ciarletta, Stan Chirita, Francesca Passarella. Some results on the spatial behaviour in linear porous elasticity.
Archives of Mechanics, 57 (2005) 43-65. pdf
- Ciro D'Apice, Vincenzo Tibullo, Stan Chirita. On the spatial behaviour in dynamic theory of mixtures of thermoelastic solids.
Journal of Thermal Stresses, 28 (2005) 63-82. pdf
- Stan Chirita. On the spatial decay of solutions in the theory of swelling porous thermoelastic soils.
International Journal of Engineering Science, 42 (2004) 1995-2010. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Further results on the spatial behavior in linear elastodynamics.
An. St. Univ. Iasi, Matematica, 50 (2004) 289-304. pdf
- Stan Chirita. On some exponential decay estimates for porous elastic cylinders.
Archives of Mechanics, 56 (2004) 199-212. pdf
- Antonio Scalia, Anna Pompei, Stan Chirita. On the behaviour of steady time-harmonic oscillations in thermoelastic materials with voids.
J. Thermal Stresses, 27 (2004) 209-226. pdf
- Mauro Fabrizio, Stan Chirita. Some qualitative results on the dynamic viscoelasticity of the Reissner-Mindlin plate model.
Q. Jl. Mech. Appl. Math., 57 (2004) 59-78. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Michele Ciarletta. Some further growth and decay results in linear thermoelastodynamics.
J. Thermal Stresses, 26 (2003) 889-903. pdf
- Stan Chirita. On the uniqueness and continuous data dependence of solutions in the theory of swelling porous thermoelastic soils.
International Journal of Engineering Science, 41 (2003) 2363-2380. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Ciro D'Apice. Spatial behaviour in a Mindlin-type thermoelastic plate.
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 61 (2003) 783--796. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Michele Ciarletta. Spatial behaviour of solutions in the plane Stokes flow.
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 277 (2003) 571-588. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Ciro D'Apice. On spatial growth or decay of solutions to a non-simple heat conduction problem in a semi-infinite strip.
Analele Stiintifice Univ. Iasi, Matematica, XLVIII (2002) 75-100. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Antonio Scalia. On the spatial and temporal behavior in linear thermoelasticity of materials with voids.
Journal of Thermal Stresses, 24 (2001) 433 - 455. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Uniqueness and continuous dependence of solutions to the incompressible micropolar flows forward and backward in time.
International Journal of Engineering Science, 39 (2001) 1787-1802. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Michele Ciarletta, Mauro Fabrizio. Some spatial decay estimates in time-dependent
Stokes slow flows. Applicable Analysis , 77 (2001) 211-231. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Alexandre Danescu. Spatial decay and growth properties for the incremental thermoelasticity.
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 51 (2000) 39-60. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Marian Aron. Aspects of Saint-Venant's principle in the dynamical theory of linear micropolar elasticity.
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids , 4 (1999) 17-34. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Michele Ciarletta. Time-weighted surface power function method for the study of spatial behaviour in dynamics of continua.
European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids , 18 (1999) 915-933. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Ludovico Nappa. Effects of Saint-Venant type and uniqueness and continuous dependence results for
incremental elastodynamics. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics,
34 (1999) 159-167. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Michele Ciarletta. Thermodynamic restrictions, free energies and Saint-Venant's principle in the linear theory of
viscoelastic materials with voids. International Journal of Solids and Structures,
36 (1999) 1949-1964. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Barbara Lazzari. Saint-Venant's principle and uniqueness results in linear thermoelasticity
with memory for heat flux. Journal of Thermal Stresses, 21 (1998)
83-96. pdf
- Marian Aron, Stan Chirita. Decay and continuous dependence estimates for harmonic vibrations of micropolar
elastic cylinders. Archives of Mechanics , 49 (1997) 665-675. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Michele Ciarletta, Mauro Fabrizio. Saint-Venant's principle in linear viscoelasticity.
International Journal Engineering Science , 35 (1997) 1221-1236. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Giorgio Gentili. Saint-Venant's principle for rigid heat conductors with memory.
Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics , 22 (1997) 129-144. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Ramon Quintanilla. Spatial estimates in the dynamic theory of linear elastic materials with memory.
European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids, 16 (1997) 723-736. pdf
- Stan Chirita. A Phragmen-Lindelof principle in dynamic linear thermoelasticity.
Journal of Thermal Stresses, 20 (1997) 505-516. pdf
- Stan Chirita. On Saint-Venant's principle in dynamic viscoelasticity.
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics , 55 (1997) 139-149. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Ramon Quintanilla. On Saint-Venant's principle in linear elastodynamics.
Journal of Elasticity , 42 (1996) 201-215. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Ramon Quintanilla. Spatial decay estimates of Saint-Venant type in generalized thermoelasticity.
International Journal Engineering Science , 34 (1996) 299-311. pdf
- Stan Chirita. On the spatial decay estimates in certain time-dependent problems of continuum mechanics.
Archives of Mechanics , 47 (1995) 755-771. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Saint-Venant's principle in linear thermoelasticity.
Journal of Thermal Stresses , 18 (1995) 485-496. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Spatial decay estimates for solutions describing harmonic vibrations in a thermoelastic cylinder.
Journal of Thermal Stresses , 18 (1995) 421-436. pdf
- Stan Chirita and Marian Aron. On Saint-Venant's principle in micropolar elasticity.
International Journal Engineering Science , 32 (1994) 1893-1901. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Some growth and decay estimates for a cylinder made of an elastic material with voids.
Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Appl., 39 (1994) 17-26. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Semi-inverse solutions and Almansi's problem for viscoelastic cylinders.
Archives of Mechanics , 44 (1992) 247-260. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Saint-Venant's problem and semi-inverse solutions in linear viscoelasticity.
Acta Mechanica , 94 (1992) 221-232. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Salvatore Rionero. Lagrange identity in linear viscoelasticity.
International Journal Engineering Science , 29 (1991) 1181-1200. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Some estimates for continuous data dependence and uniqueness results in linear thermoviscoelasticity.
Journal of Thermal Stresses , 14 (1991) 541-562. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Cesaro means and autocorrelations in dynamic thermoelasticity.
Journal of Thermal Stresses , 13 (1990) 21-42. pdf
- Salvatore Rionero, Stan Chirita. New reciprocal and continuum dependence theorems in linear theory of viscoelasticity.
International Journal Engineering Science, 27 (1989) 1023-1036. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Continuous data dependence in thermodynamics of materials with heat conduction and viscosity on
unbounded domains. Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn. - Mec. Appl., 34 (1989) 567-580. pdf
- Stan Chirita. On uniqueness, continuous dependence and new reciprocal relations in thermoviscoelasticity.
Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Appl., 34 (1989) 497-511. pdf
- Salvatore Rionero, Stan Chirita. Some continuous data dependence and uniqueness results for nonlinear
elastodynamics on unbounded domains. Ricerche di Matematica , 37 (1988) 241-262. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Some applications of the Lagrange identity in thermoelasticity with one relaxation
time. Journal of Thermal Stresses, 11 (1988) 207-231. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Continuous data dependence in the dynamical theory of nonlinear thermoelasticity on
unbounded domains. Journal of Thermal Stresses , 11 (1988) 57-72. pdf
- Salvatore Rionero, Stan Chirita. The Lagrange identity method in linear thermoelasticity.
International Journal Engineering Science, 25 (1987) 935-947. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Asymptotic partition of energy in linear generalized thermoelasticity.
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 38 (1987) 703-716. pdf
- Stan Chirita. On the asymptotic partition of energy in linear thermoelasticity.
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 45 (1987) 327-340. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Holder stability and uniqueness results for linear thermoelasticity on unbounded
domains. Bollettino U.M.I., (7), 1-B (1987) 387-407. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Holder continuous dependence and uniqueness results for incremental elastodynamics.
International Journal Engineering Science , 24 (1986) 803-812. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Holder continuous dependence in nonlinear elastodynamics.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh , 102A (1986) 49-60. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Gheorghe Rusu. On the existence and uniqueness in thermoelasticity of non-simple materials.
Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn.- Mec. Appl., 30 (1985) 21-30. pdf
- Stan Chirita. On the uniqueness of solutions in thermodynamics of materials with heat conduction and viscosity.
Bull. Math. de la Soc. Sci. Math. de la RSR, 29 (1985) 225-235. pdf
- Stan Chirita. On the deformation of almost cylindrical beams. Analele Stiintifice Univ.
Iasi, Matematica, 29 (1983) 97-104. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Uniqueness and continuous dependence results in thermodynamics with internal
state variables. Archives of Mechanics , 35 (1983) 117-137. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Thermal stresses in anisotropic noncylindrical beams. Rev. Roum.
Sci. Techn. - Mec. Appl., 28 (1983) 63-74. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Deformation of noncylindrical micropolar elastic beams. Bull.
Acad. Polon. Sci., Ser. Sci. Techn. , 30 (1982) 99-109. pdf
- Stan Chirita. On the linear theory of thermoviscoelastic materials with internal state variables.
Archives of Mechanics, 34 (1982) 454-464. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Uniqueness and continuous data dependence in dynamical problems of nonlinear thermoelasticity.
Journal of Thermal Stresses, 5 (1982) 331-346. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Uniqueness and continuous dependence results for the incremental thermoelasticity.
Journal of Thermal Stresses , 5 (1982) 161-172. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Continuous dependence results in thermodynamics of materials with heat conduction and viscosity.
Analele Stiintifice Univ. Iasi, Matematica, Supliment la vol. 27 (1981) 97-106. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Deformation of loaded micropolar elastic cylinders. International Journal
Engineering Science, 19 (1981) 845-853. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Thermal stresses in a micropolar solid induced by a plane temperature field.
Rev. Roum Sci. Techn. - Mec. Appl., 26 (1981) 219-231. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Propagation of discontinuities in coupled micropolar thermoelasticity.
Journal of Thermal Stresses, 3 (1980) 199-221. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Saint-Venant's problem for anisotropic circular cylinders.
Acta Mechanica , 34 (1979) 243-250. pdf
- Dorin Iesan, Stan Chirita. Saint-Venant's problem for composite micropolar elastic cylinders.
International Journal Engineering Science, 17 (1979) 573-586. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Existence and uniqueness theorems for linear coupled thermoelasticity with microstructure.
Journal of Thermal Stresses , 2 (1979) 157-169. pdf
- Stan Chirita. The Lamb problem in a nonlocal elastic half-space.
Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Ser. Sci. Techn. , 27 (1979) 17-22. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Saint-Venant's problem for nonlocal elastic solids. Analele Stiintifice
Univ. Iasi, Matematica, 24 (1978) 147-156. pdf
- Stan Chirita. On the deformation of micropolar elastic almost cylindrical beams.
Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn. - Mec. Appl., 23 (1978) 811-822. pdf
- Dorin Iesan, Stan Chirita. Theory of loaded elastic cylinders. Analele Stiintifice Univ. Iasi,
Matematica, 23 (1977) 169-182. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Nonlocal effects on the stress distribution in an elastic half-space. Atti Accad.
Naz. Lincei Rend., Cls. Sci. Fiz. Mat. Natur., 60 (1976) 802-807. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Some boundary value problems of nonlocal elasticity. Analele Stiintifice Univ.
Iasi, Matematica, 22 (1976) 231-237. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Thermal stresses in anisotropic cylinders.
Acta Mechanica, 23 (1975) 301-306. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Existence theorems in the theory of continuum with deformable directors.
Analele Stiintifice Univ. Iasi, Matematica, 20 (1974) 419-426. pdf
Papers in other journals
- Ciro D'Apice, Stan Chirita. Spatial behaviour for the harmonic vibrations in plates of Kirchhoff type.
Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 4 (2003) 1-11. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Some spatial decay estimates for the harmonic vibrations in anisotropic linear
thermoelasticity. Bull. Techn. Univ. Istanbul , 48 (1996) 537-549. pdf
- Salvatore Rionero, Stan Chirita. On the linearised theory of thermoviscoelasticity of integral type.
Bull. Techn. Univ. Istanbul , 47 (1994) 57-81. pdf
- Salvatore Rionero, Stan Chirita. On the asymptotic behaviour of quasi-static solutions in a semi-infinite viscoelastic cylinder.
Rendiconto dell'Accad. Sci. Fis. Mat. Napoli , Serie IV, vol. LIX (1992) 147-166. pdf
- Gelu Bourceanu, Gheorghe Maftei, Stan Chirita, Victor Felea. Termodinamica evolutiei. II. Oscilatii si instabilitati chimice si
biologice. Studii si Cercetari de Fizica, 35 (1983) 715-744. pdf
- Gelu Bourceanu, Gheorghe Maftei, Stan Chirita. Termodinamica evolutiei. I. Termodinamica
structurilor disipative. Studii si Cercetari de Fizica, 35 (1983) 690-714 pdf
- Stan Chirita. Deformation of some elastic noncylindrical beams. Teorijska i Primenjena Mehanika,
9 (1983) 13-24. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Generalized Saint-Venant's problem for heterogeneous anisotropic almost cylindrical beams.
Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Iasi, s. I, 22 (1976) 101-106. pdf
Papers in proceedings of conferences
- Vittorio Zampoli, Stan Chirita. On the depth of a thermomechanical signal in a dual-phase lag deformable medium,
in Proceedings of 2018 IEEE Workshop on Environmental, Energy, and Structural Monitoring Systems (EESMS) Proceedings, pp. 77-82.
- Stan Chirita. On spatial behaviour in linear thermoelasticity. "Alexandru Myller"
Mathematical Seminar AIP Conf. Proc. 1329, 2011, pp. 70--86. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Michele Ciarletta. Spatial evolution in linear thermoelasticity. In: New Trends in
Fluid and Solid Models: Proceedings of the International Conference in Honour of Brian Straughan,
Vietri sul Mare (Salerno), Italy, February 28th-March 1st, 2008, Worl Scientific, Singapore 2009,
pp. 37-47. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Michele Ciarletta. Spatial behaviour of solutions for constrained cylinder in linear
elasticity. In: Mathematical Physics Models and Engineering Sciences,
Societa Nazionale di Scienze, Lettere e Arti in Napoli, Liguori Editore, Napoli,
2008, pp. 151--162. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Michele Ciarletta. On the structural stability of thermoelastic model of porous media. The
Seventh International Congress on Thermal Stresses THERMAL STRESSES 2007 , June, 4-7,
2007, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.203--206. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Michele Ciarletta. On the spatial evolution in anisotropic thermoelasticity. The Seventh International Congress on
Thermal Stresses THERMAL STRESSES 2007 , June, 4-7, 2007, Taipei, Taiwan,
pp. 97--100. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Michele Ciarletta. Spatial behavior in linear thermoelastodynamics. The Fifth International Congress
on Thermal Stresses THERMAL STRESSES 2003 , June, 8-11, 2003, Blacksbourgh, Virginia,
USA. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Michele Ciarletta. Asymptotic partition in the linear thermoelasticity backward in time. In Mathematical Models and Methods for Smart Materials, (Eds. M.
Fabrizio, B. Lazzari, A. Morro), Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences vol. 62,
in World Scientific, Singapore, 2002, pp. 31--43. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Antonio Scalia. On the spatial and temporal behavior in linear thermoelasticity of materials with voids. The Fourth
International Congress on Thermal Stresses THERMAL STRESSES 2001 , June, 13-17, 2001, Osaka,
Japan, pp. 419-422. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Michele Ciarletta. Spatial behavior in dynamical thermoelasticity backward in time. The Fourth International Congress on
Thermal Stresses THERMAL STRESSES 2001 , June, 13-17, 2001, Osaka, Japan,
pp. 485-488. pdf
- Stan Chirita, Michele Ciarletta. Time-weighted surface power function method in linear thermoelasticity. Third International
Congress on Thermal Stresses THERMAL STRESSES'99, Eds. J. J. Skrzypek and R. B. Hetnarski, Cracow,
Poland, 1999, pp. 587-590. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Spatial behaviour in thermoelasticity. Third International Congress on Thermal Stresses
THERMAL STRESSES'99, Eds. J. J. Skrzypek and R. B. Hetnarski, Cracow, Poland, 1999,
pp. 103-106. pdf
- Stan Chirita. Thermal stresses in noncylindrical micropolar elastic beams.
Institutul Politehnic Iasi, Cercetari Matematice, 1985, pp. 269-272. pdf
- Stan Chirita. On the existence of solutions in the linear theory of micropolar thermoelasticity.
Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics Iasi, 1976, pp. 205-214. pdf
Book chapters:
- Stan Chirita. Chapter: Alternative formulations: Reciprocal relations. In R. B. Hetnarski (ed.),
Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses, Springer, 2013, pp. 106--112(
- Stan Chirita. Chapter: Well-posed problems. In R. B. Hetnarski (ed.),
Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses, Springer, 2013, pp. 6600--6609(
- Stan Chirita. Culegere de probleme de matematici superioare (in Romanian), Universitatea Tehnica Gh. Asachi din Iasi, Iasi, 1984.
- Stan Chirita. Probleme de matematici superioare (in Romanian), Editura Didactica si Pedagogica, Bucuresti, 1989.
- Stan Chirita, Michele Ciarletta. Calcolo, algebra lineare, geometria analitica e calcolo differenziale ed integrale,
(in Italian) , Zanichelli, Bologna, 2002.
- Stan Chirita, Michele Ciarletta. Calcolo, geometria differenziale, integrali moltipli ed equazioni differenziali,
(in Italian), Zanichelli, Bologna, 2003.
- Stan Chirita. Mecanica mediilor continue (in Romanian), Editura Matrixrom, Bucuresti, 2010. PRIZE.pdf Buy here
- Stan Chirita. Mecanica rationala. Teorie si probleme (in Romanian), Editura Matrixrom, Bucuresti, 2014. Cover.pdf Buy here
- Stan Chirita, Michele Ciarletta, Vincenzo Tibullo. Meccanica razionale: Elementi di teoria con applicazioni
(in Italian), Liguori Editore, Napoli, 2014. CoverM.pdf Buy here
Edited volumes:
- Stan Chirita (editor): Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses, Springer-Verlag, 2013, General Editor R. B. Hetnarski, ( Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses; Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses; Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses)