- Special chapters of algebra (Romanian), Ed. Universitătii, Iasi, 1994;
- Introduction to the theory of complex functions (Romanian), Ed. Universitătii, Iasi, 1997 (authors: I. Tofan, S. Nistor);
- Elements of Algebra (Romanian), Ed. Universitătii, Iasi, 1998;
- Ipperstrutture, strutture fuzzy ed applicazioni Dieri Edizione,Italy; 2001(authors: A. Maturo, I. Tofan);
- Special chapters of algebraic structures (Romanian); Ed. Univ, Iasi;2000;
- Introduction to homological algebra (Romanian) ; Ed. Univ. Iasi; 2000(authors: I. Tofan, G. Radu, V.M. Gontineac);
- Arithmetics (Romanian); Ed. Univ. Iasi, 2001 (authors: V. Tamas, I. Tofan, V. Leoreanu);
- Algebra: Rings. Modules. Galois Theory (Romanian); Ed. Matrix Rom 2001(authors: I. Tofan, A. C. Volf );
- Lezioni di Matematica ; Univ. Teramo - Ed .Junimea ,Iasi, 2001(authors ; B.Andronic, G.Ippoliti, I.Tofan, A.C.Volf);
- Ring Arithmetic, Field Extensions and Applications , Aracne Editrice, Italy, 2005 (authors : I.Tofan, A.C.Volf)
- Extensii de corpuri, Ed. Al. Myller, Iasi,2006 (authors: M. Gontineac, Gh. Radu, I.Tofan)
- Itinerarii matematice, Ed. Al. Myller, Iasi, 2012
- Fuzziness.Teorie e Applicazioni, Aracne Editrice, Italy, 2016 (authors: I.Tofan, A.Maturo)
* * *
- Advanced in Fuzzy Sets and Applications (editors: I. Tofan, J. G. Aluja, O. Costinescu, H. N. Teodorescu), Ed. Universitatii, Iasi, 1992
- Advances in Generalized Structures, Approximate Reasoning and Applications; Univ. Teramo, RSFS, BMFSA (Japan) (editors : F.Eugeni, A.Maturo, I.Tofan), 2001.
- Advances in Abstract Algebra,(editors: I.Tofan, M. Gontineac, M. Tarnauceanu) Ed. Al. Myller, Iasi,2007.
Papers (selective list)
- Interior systems and interior operators, Ann. St. Univ. Iasi, t. 19, 1973, p. 320 - 331 (authors: I. Tofan, R. Vescan).
- Sur les groupes linearisables, Ann. St. Univ. Iasi, t. 23, 1977, p. 17 - 21 (authors: I. Tofan, S. Nistor)
- Remarques sur les foncteurs d'intérieur et sur les idéaux dans une catégorie, Ann. St. Univ. Iasi, t. 25, 1979, p. 37 - 39.
- Sur quelques structures algébriques dans les catégories, Ann. St. Univ. Iasi, t. 26, 1980, p. 15 - 18.
- Sur les catégories internes, Ann. St. Univ. Iasi, t. 26, 1980, p. 267 - 270.
- On algebraic theories, Ann. St. Univ. Iasi, t. 27, 1981, p. 5 - 12 (authors: M. Stefanescu, Gh. Radu, I. Tofan).
- On the category ab(E ) (Romanian), Bull. I. P. Iasi, 1983, p. 205 - 208 (authors: I. Tofan, S. Nistor).
- Monads in elementary toposes (Romanian), Bull. I. P. Iasi, 1983, p. 209 - 213.
- A functorial characterization of the categories of modules in a topos (Romanian), Proc. Conf. Nat. Alg. Timisoara, 1987, p. 66 - 70 (authors: S. Nistor, I. Tofan).
- On the Mod - R categories (Romanian), vol. jubiliar, I. Politehnic, Iasi, 1988, p. 93 - 96 (authors: S. Nistor, I. Tofan).
- Mathematical models for the measurement problems I (Romanian), vol. jubiliar, I. Politehnic, Iasi, 1988, p. 101 - 104 (authors: I. Tofan, S. Nistor, H. N. Teodorescu).
- Mathematical models for the measurement problems II (Romanian), vol. jubiliar, I. Politehnic, Iasi, 1988, p. 105 - 108 (authors: I. Tofan, S. Nistor, H. N. Teodorescu).
- Elements of fuzzy sets theory (Romanian); chapter in "Sisteme fuzzy si aplic". I. P. Iasi, 1989, p. 83 - 99 (authors: I. Tofan, S. Nistor).
- On some toposes on fuzzy sets, vol. An introduction on Fuzzy Systems in Engineering, I. Politehnic, Iasi, 1991, p. 225 - 228.
- Fuzzy in Mathematics and Mathematics of Fuzziness, vol. Fuzzy Systems and A. I., Ed. CERFS & FLSI Japan, Ed. Universitatii, Iasi, 1991, p. 11 - 16 (authors: M. Stefanescu, I. Tofan) .
- On a local fuzzy sets theory, idem, p. 17 - 20. - A topos theoretic point of view about fuzzy sets, vol. Advanced in Fuzzy Sets and Appl., Ed. Universitatii, Iasi, 1992, p. 25 - 30
- On fuzzy groups, Trends in Fuzzy Systems and Signals, AMSE Press, France, vol. V, 1992, p. 53 - 56 (authors: M. Stefanescu, I. Tofan) .
- A categorial frame for fuzzy sets, Trends in Fuzzy Systems and Signals, AMSE Press, France, vol. V, 1992, p. 57 - 63 (authors: Gh. Radu, I. Tofan) .
- On Heyting hyperalgebras, Proc. Vth International AHA Congress, Hadronic Press, 1994, p. 223 -229 (authors: S. Nistor, I. Tofan).
- Toposes of (totally) fuzzy sets-an introduction, BUSEFAL, nr. 58, Toulouse, 1994, p. 60 - 65.
- An introduction to fuzzy systems II, preprint, Ec. Pol. de Lausanne, 1994 (authors: H. N. Teodorescu, I. Tofan, S. Nistor) (12 pag.).
- Eléments de la théorie des ensembles flous, research report, University of Udine, Italy, 1995 (72 pag.).
- Some remarks on fuzzy relations, Fuzzy Systems and A. I. (Romanian Academy), v. IV, nr. 2 -3, 1995, p 1- 4 (authors: I. Tofan, C. Volf).
- Le développment de quelques méthodes de calcul flou pour les problémes économiques, Proc. International Meeting of SIGEF, Spain, 1995, p. 439 - 446 (authors: I. Tofan, A. P. Tacu, C. Volf)
- Aspecte algebrice ale teoriei multimilor nuantate, Scripta Scientiarum (Symp. Sept. Tiraspolense, gen. top. and appl.), Kishinew, 1996, p. 214 - 217.
- Fuzzy algebraic structures, Fuzzy Systems and A. I. (Romanian Academy), v. V, 1996, p. 1 - 12 (authors: S. Nistor, I. Tofan, C. Volf) .
- Algébres et hyperalgébres Heyting, research report, University of Udine, Italy, 1996 (authors: P. Corsini, I. Tofan, Gh. Radu) (15 pag.).
- On fuzzy hypergroups, PU. M. A., nr. 8, 1997, p. 29 - 37 (authors: P. Corsini, I. Tofan).
- Une introduction dans la théorie des ensembles flous et dans la logique floue, Scripta Scientiarum Mathematicorum (Kishinew), t. 1, 1997, p 239 - 256 (authors: I. Tofan, D. Tofan).
- On some connections between hyperstructures and fuzzy sets, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, nr. 7, 2000, p. 53 - 58 (authors: I. Tofan, C. Volf).
- Fuzzy rings of quotients , Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, nr. 8, 2000 (authors: I. Tofan, C. Volf) .
- Similitude relations and appl. in architetture, vol New Logics for New Economy, p.269-273, Ed. Sci. Italiane, 2001(authors A. Maturo, I. Tofan).
- Fuzzy Intermediate Fields and Reduced Extensions, vol. Adv. in Gen. Str. , Approx. Reasoning and Appl., p. 91-98, 2001(authors: I. Tofan, A.C. Volf).
- Some Remarks on the Connection between Fuzzy Sets and Hyperstructures, idem, p. 55-59
- Fuzzy Methods in Tremor Assesment Prediction and Rehabilitation (invited paper), Artif. Int. in Med., North Holland, n. 21,p. 107-130, 2001 (authors: H. N. Teodorescu, A. Kandel, M. Chelaru, I. Tofan, M. Irimia) ;
- Algebraic Aspects of Information Organisation (invited conference), vol. Systematic Organization of Information in Fuzzy Systems, NATO Science Series, IOS Press,vol. 184, 2002, p.71-89 (authors I.Tofan, A.C.Volf) .
- Il concetto di numero in Platone (invited conference), Int. Conf. Riccione, Italy, 2004, vol. "Le vie della conoscenza in Platone" Ed. Arktos, 2005, p.37-49
- Fuzzy games and coherent Fuzzy Previsions, Fuzzy Systems and A.I., Acad. Română, nr. 3, 2004 , p.109-116 (în colab.cu A. Maturo, A. Ventre)
- On some logical operators, idem ,p.121-130 (in colab. cu E. Cortellini si A.C.Volf)
- Similitude Relations and Applications in Social Sciences, idem, p.183-190 (in colab. cu A.Maturo)
- Special Hyperstructures and Fuzzy Sets,vol. Advances in Mathematics of Uncertainty, Performantica, 2006 (in colab. cu F.Eugeni si C. Volf), p.41-48
- Toposes of (totally) Fuzzy sets, Advances in Abstract Algebra, Ed. Al. Myller, Iasi,2007, p. 77-84
- Some remarks about fuzzy numbers, International Journal of Risk Theory, no. 1, 2011, p.87-92;
- On some probability concepts in fuzzy framework, Ratio matematica, 24, 2013, p.63-72;
- On some problems in fuzzy sets theory, Global journal of Science Frontiers, v8F, 2013;
- The Philosophical Foundations of Fuzzyness, vol. Interdisciplinarity approaches in Social Sciences, Ed. Univ. Iasi, 2013, p.220-228